The routes

Climbing routes

Routes in archive
Via Lisa
Via Lisa - Torre d’Ambiez
Via Lisa on the east face of Torre d'Ambiez is a traditional route that climbs the line between Via Anna and Via Armani. It provides pleasant and beautiful climbing, especially on the arête of the second half. The overall effort...
Via Marco Zambelli Franz
Via Marco Zambelli Franz - Cima Grande di Lavaredo
Sport climb up the West Face of Cima Grande, to the left of Via Dülfer. Established from the ground-up in autumn 2006 with 10mm bolts and a handfull of pegs, it was freed on 10 October 2006. Given the steep...
Via Mirko
Via Mirko - Monte Steviola
Via Mirko, a fantastic 19-pitch climb that leads to the summit of Monte Steviola.The route is well-equipped, but since all pitches are sustained, the outing is an interesting, not-to-be-underestimated free climbing challenge.
Via Monologica
Via Monologica - Torre di Mezzaluna
Via Monologica on Torre di Mezzaluna in Vallaccia was established ground-up over a period of 4 days, with 10mm stainless steel bolts on the pitches and at the belays.
Via Nicola Molin
Via Nicola Molin - Becco di Mezzodì
The route climbs predominantly excellent rock, at times good in places. The route climbs the large roof in the NW Face and was freed in summer 2010 by  Ruggero Zardini with his wife Monica.
Via Phoenix (via della Fenice)
Via Phoenix (via della Fenice) - Secondo Campanile di Val Orsera
V+, some sections VI+
Via Phoenix (via della Fenice) was climbed ground-up over two days, with a bivi at the base of the face. It climbs the Secondo Campanile in Val Orsera and, as such, is the first and only route to climb this...
Via Rajëta
Via Rajëta - Campanile Innerkofler
Via Rajëta was extablished ground-up with pegs and nuts and all belays have in-situ gear, although some need backing up. The route starts circa 10m to the left of the Via Hahn - Haupt and takes a direct line to...
Via Sandro Pertini
Via Sandro Pertini - Cima Grande di Lavaredo
Highly recommended route up the cold West Face of Cima Grande di Lavaredo, up surprisingly good rock and with all the makings of a modern alpine classic. Although first ascended as late as the 1980's, it falls in the category...
Via Spirit
Via Spirit - Cima d'Auta
max 7c+/8a, obbl. 7b
Fantastic route first ascended by Massimo Da Pozzo and Danilo Serafini in September 2003. Magnificent climbing on splendid featured limestone with plenty of small pockets and small crimps, very similar to the nearby South Face of the Marmolada. The route...
Via Zoe
Via Zoe - Lastoni di Formin
New "modern" route first ascended by untiring Massimo Da Pozzo on the Lastoni di Formin. Due to the poor weather conditions the route was ascended in three pushes with three different partners, namely Romanin Ivan, Serafini Danilo and Bruno Sartorelli.The...
Viki krema
Viki krema - Tofana di Rozes
Viki krema climbs the immense South Face of the Tofana di Rozes.The route starts in the triangular face to the right of the classic Eötvös Dimai. Above the big amphitheatre it climbs the steep yellow wall to the left of...
Vinatzer - Third Sella Tower
Classic route, one of the most popular in the Dolomites. It follows a line of thin cracks up the west face of the third Torre del Sella. The crux leads to a roof above the large ledge at half-height and...
Vinatzer + exit Messner direct
Vinatzer + exit Messner direct - Marmolada Punta Rocca
This masterpiece, first climbed by Vinatzer in 1936, is one of the most classic and popular outings on the wall, and nowadays the link up with the Direct Messner route in the upper section is definitely recommended. The first part...
Vint ani do
Vint ani do - Mëisules dala Biesces
Great route up the SW Face of Meisules de la Bièsces characterised by a large roof crux at mid-height, followed technical climbing in a superb mountain environment.The 12 pitch route was first ascended by Val Gardena locals Ivo Rabanser and Stefan Comploi...
Voodoo - Zauber
Voodoo - Zauber - Heiligkreuzkofel
Over a three day period in September 2014 the South Tyrolean mountaineers Simon Gietl and Andrea Oberbacher forged a new rock climb up Heiligkreuzkofel, also referred to as Sass de la Crusc. Voodoo-Zauber, climbs six independent pitches up the righthand...
Weg der Neugier
Weg der Neugier - Einserkofel
Weg der Neugier was established ground-up in summer 2015 by Hannes Pfeifhofer, Lisi Steurer, Markus Tschurtschenthaler with bolts past difficulties estimated at IX-.

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A compact, light and multi-purpose quickdraw for mountaineering and sport climbing.
An ultralight two-person tent for trekking and biking.
Approach shoes designed to move quickly on mountain ground and to keep your foot dry even in rain situations
Lightweight, comfortable and ventilated climbing helmet for children.
Lightweight screwgate anchor carabiner.
A warm, breathable, durable and effective second layer.
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