Piolets d'Or 2024 announces "big list" of Significant Ascents

The organisers of the Piolet d’Or mountaineering award have published the 'big list' of most significant and innovative climbs carried out in 2023. The honoured ascents will receive the Piolets d'Or 2024 award during the celebration at San Martino di Castrozza (Italy) from 8 - 11 December 2024.
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The prestigious Piolets d'Or mountaineering award
Lucyna Lewandowska Fotografia

As per tradition, the Piolets d'Or committee has announced its list of the most significant and innovative climbs carried out in 2023, from which the nominees of the Piolets d'Or 2024 will be selected. This will be carried out as per usual by an international technical jury, composed of Lise Billon (Fr), Jack Tackle (US), Mikel Zabalza (Spain), Genki Narumi (Jap), Toni Gutsch (Ger), Aleš Česen (Slo), and Enrico Rosso (Ita).

For the first time ever the honoured ascents will be celebrated in San Martino di Castrozza, Italy, and the event is scheduled to run from 8 - 11 December 2024. It is currently not known who will receive the prestigious Piolet d'Or Carrière Lifetime Achievement Award but, interestingly, the organisers have announced that as of this year there will be a systematic Special Mention to promote female alpinism. This is intended specifically "to promote female alpinism and will recognise a remarkable all-female ascent from the previous year, or a female alpinist for several achievements in the previous year(s), or a female alpinist’s career. It is intended to be a first step: the format will evolve and be revised from feedback gained over the next few years."

Prior to announcing the list, the organisers also paid tribute to five Piolet d’Or recipients who perished during the last year due to tragic mountain accidents concerning five Piolets d’Or recipients. These are:

Kazuya Hiraide (45) and Kenro Nakajima (39y) were killed in a fall from high on K2 in late July, 2024, while attempting a new route on the west face.

Dmitry Golovchenko (40) was killed on Aug 31, 2023, while attempting a new route on the southeast ridge of Gasherbrum IV.

Sergey Nilov (47), his partner on GIV and other major ascents, was killed by a serac fall on Aug 17, 2024, during an expedition to recover Golovchenko’s body.

Archil Badriashvili (34) was killed during a thunderstorm on Aug 10, 2024, on the descent of Shkhelda in the Caucasus.

The preliminary list of significant first ascents during 2023 was compiled by Lindsay Griffin (Senior Editor, American Alpine Journal), with help from Dougald MacDonald (Editor in Chief, American Alpine Journal) and Rodolphe Popier (Club Alpin Francais). According to the authors it is "a selection of ascents that are classed as noteworthy and adventurous within their particularly régions, involving new routes that were completed more or less in continuous alpine style."

Tirich Mir (7,708m)
First ascent of The Secret Line (2,200m) on the north face of Tirich Mir (7,708m) in the Hindu Kush, from July 17-23, by Kazuya Hiraide and Kenro Nakajima (Japan). Approached over a high col leaving four ropes fixed and then traversed the mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Ghamubar Zom V (6,400m)
First ascent of Ghamubar Zom V (6,400m) in the Hindu Raj via the northwest ridge (2,000m, 5.9 M5 90°), from September 16-19, by Kei Narita, Yuu Nishida, and Yudai Suzuki (Japan). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Baintha Kabata (6,290m)
First ascent of The Alien Face (800m, 7a M5) – southwest face to south ridge - on Baintha Kabata (6,290m) in the Panmah Muztagh, from July 26-27, by François Cazzanelli, Mateo Della Bordella (both Italy) and Silvan Schüpbach (Switzerland). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Kharut II (6,824m)

First ascent of Kharut II (6,824m) in the Baltoro Muztagh via the west-northwest ridge (1,200m), on July 18, by Koldo Zubimendi (Basque Country), solo. Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Yernamandu Kangri (7,163m)
First ascent of Yernamandu Kangri (7,163m) in the Masherbrum Range by the southwest face (3,000m, 70°), from July 13-15, by Simon Messner (Italy) and Martin Sieberer (Austria). Descended route.
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Drifika (6,447m)

First ascent of the south face and southwest spur of Drifika (6,447m) in the Tagas Mountains, and then ski descent (ca 1,300m), during one day in May by Giovanni Zaccaria (Italy).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Kapura Main (6,544m)
A new line up the west face (1,500m, M5) of Kapura Main (6,544m) in the Tagas Mountains, stopping on the summit ridge northwest of the highest point after two bivouacs, in August, by Jakub Kácha and Martin Sankot (Czech Republic). Rappelled route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

White Sapphire (6,040m)
First ascent of Brilliant Blue (850m, AI3 M7+ 80°) on White Sapphire (6,040m) in the Kishtwar Himalaya, from October 5-7, by Christian Black, Vitaliy Musiyenko, and Hayden Wyatt (USA). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Flat Top (6,100m)

First ascent of Tomorrow Is Another Day (1,400m, ED, 5c A2 WI4 M6) on the north face of Flat Top (6,100m) in the Kishtwar Himalaya, from October 2-7, by Hugo Béguin, Matthias Gribi, and Nathan Monard (Switzerland). Traversed mountain.
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Amaiur Peak (5,760m)

First ascent of Amaiur Peak (5,760m) via the northeast ridge (750m, V+ M6), on July 16, by Joseba Iztueta and Ekaitz Maiz (Basque Country). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Jamyang Ri (5,800m)
First ascent of Nelim Lam (700+m of climbing, 5.12 A0) on the west face and northwest arete of Jamyang Ri (5,800m), Ladakh, on July 21, by Moritz Sigmund and Patrick Tirler (Italy). Descended different line on same face.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Neverseen Tower (5,750m)
First ascent of Wind of Silence (500m, 6b+) on the south-southeast face of Neverseen Tower (5,750m), Himachal Pradesh, on September 20 and 21, by Alessandro Baù, Lorenzo D’Addario, Jerome Perruquet, and Francesco Ratti (Italy). Descended route. A few ropes fixed on first day.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Meru South, Central Top (ca 6,600m)

First ascent of Goldfish (M6+ A1) on the southeast face of Meru South, Central Top (ca 6,600m), Western Garhwal, from May 10-13, by Simon Gietl (Italy), Mathieu Maynadier (France), and Roger Schäli (Switzerland). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Surma Sarovar (6,605m GPS)
First ascent of Surma Sarovar (6,605m GPS) via northwest face (2,000m), from October 23-26, by Tim Miller and Paul Ramsden (UK). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Dragpoche (6,575m)
First ascent of Dragpoche (6,575m), Langtang Himal, via Between Faries and Unicorns (1,100m, ED, M4+ WI5) on the southeast face, from October 28-29, by Oswaldo Freire and Joshua Jarrin (Ecuador). Descended route. Possible new line on the northwest face of Ganchempo (6,375m), Jugal Himal — Cold Therapy (700m, AI4+) — on November 3 by Oswaldo Freire and Joshua Jarrin (Ecuador). Descended route. Both of the above routes
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Goldum (6,623m)
First known ascent of Goldum (6,623m), Langtang Himal, via the north-northeast ridge (85°), from April 10-11, after previously establishing a high camp, by Jeong Il-hoon, Park Jong-young, and Son Ho-seong (Korea).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Rolwaling Kang Shar (6,645m)
First ascent of Rolwaling Kang Shar (6,645m), Rolwaling Himal, via the southeast ridge (1,800m of climbing, 5/5+ M5), from October 19-23, by Yury Koshelenko and Aleksei Lonchinsky (Russia). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Tengi Ragi Tau subsummit (6,772m)
First ascent of Honzova Cesta (1,300m, M5 80°) on the west face of a Tengi Ragi Tau subsummit (6,772m), Rolwaling Himal, from October 29-30, by Marek Disman and Jakub Vlček (Czech Republic). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Chobutse (6,686m)

First ascent of Just Breathe (1,600m, M5 WI4 R/X) on the northeast pillar of Chobutse (6,686m), Rolwaling Himal, from October 14-16, by Wadim Jabłoński et Maciej Kimel (Poland). Traversed mountain.
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- planetmountain.com

Kabru South (7,318m)

First ascent of Diamonds on the Soles of the Shoes (2,800m, D+ 60°) on the west face of Kabru South (7,318m), Kangchenjunga Himal, from May 9-12, by Romano Benet and Nives Meroi (Italy), Peter Hámor (Slovakia), and Bojan Jan (Slovenia). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Cholatse (6,423m)
First ascent of Just One Solution (1,200m, ED, M5 WI4+) on the west face of Cholatse (6,423m), Mahalangur Himal – Khumbu, from November 2-3, by Radoslav Groh and Zdeněk Hák (Czech Republic). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Hongku (6,764m)

First ascent of Simply Beautiful (900m, M6 90°) on the west face of Hongku (6,764m), Mahalangur Himal – Barun, from May 20-23, by Matěj Bernát and Marek Holeček (Czech Republic). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Jannu (7,710m)

First ascent of Round Trip Ticket (2,700m, M7 AI5+ A0), a partial new route on the north face and northwest ridge of Jannu (7,710m), Kangchenjunga Himal, from October 7-12, by Matt Cornell, Jackson Marvell, and Alan Rousseau (USA). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com


Loinbo Kangri (7,095m)
First ascent of the south face (1,300m, WI3 M4 70°) of Loinbo Kangri (7,095m), Gangdise Shan, from September 13-14, by Liu Junfu and Zhou Song (China). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Peak 5,800 Meters (5,800m)
First ascent of Peak 5,800m in the Minya Konka Range, Daxue Shan, via The Pot Carrier (900m, TD, 5.8 M6) on the west face, from August 8-9, by He Lang, Liu Yang, and Song Yuancheng (China). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Jiazi (6,540m)
First ascent of Rebirth (1,400m, TD+ AI4 M6 70°) on the west face of Jiazi (6,540m), Minya Konka Range, Daxue Shan, from November 1-2, by Tong Zhanghao and Wang Yongpeng (China). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Yipingfeng (5,800m) and Erpingfeng (5,880m)
First ascents and north to south traverse of Yipingfeng (5,800m) and Erpingfeng (5,880m) in the Tatsienlu Massif via One Last Piece of the Puzzle (1,300m ascent, TD+, 5.9 R AI3 55° snow), from October 2-4, by He Lang, Liu Yang, and Xia Pei (China).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Gulba (3,725m)
First ascent of Amaia eta Iker (ca 650m, 7b) on the southwest face of Gulba (3,725m), Caucasus, on July 6, by Julen Berrueko, Jon Inoriza, and Tasio Martin (Basque Country). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Muisky Giant, south summit (3,040m)
First ascent of Muisky Giant, south summit (3,040m), South Muya Range, Siberia, via Team of our Youth (1,300m, 24 pitches, 6A, 7a) on the southwest face and south-southwest ridge, from August 8-9, by Evgeny Glazunov, Ivan Shilnikov, and Pavel Tkachenko (Russia).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Pik 100th Anniversary of Russian Alpinism (2,112m)
First ascent of Pik 100th Anniversary of Russian Alpinism (2,112m), Great Rapids Ridge, Siberia, via the south face (800m of climbing, 16 pitches, 6A), on August 31, by Ivan Kergin, Konstantin Bobrinsky, and Artyom Chikin (Russia). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Pik Ulun (5,588m)
The first ascent of Crack of Doom (760m, 6A, 6b A3 WI3 M6) on the south face of Pik Ulun (5,588m) in the Western Kokshaal-too, from August 23-28, by Olga Lukashenko, Evgeny Murin, and Ilya Penyaev (Russia). One day previously, Oksana Kochubey, Andrey Panov, Sergey Seryanov, and Ilya Zhdanov (Russia) had made the first ascent of Pik Ulun via a route on the south face and southwest ridge at 5B, 6a A2+ WI4 M6 (August 23-27). Both teams traversed the mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Voennyh Topografov (6,873m)
First ascent of The Lost World (1,925m, 6B 6c A4 M4) on the southwest face of Voennyh Topografov (6,873m), Tien Shan, from August 2-7, by Ratmir Mukhametzyanov, Alexander Parfyonov, and Aleksei Sukharev (Russia). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Pik Alpinist (5,482m)
First ascent of Trophy Hunt (1,100m, WI5+ M5) on the northeast face of Pik Alpinist (5,482m) in the Western Kokshaal-too, on September 24, by Dane Steadman, Seth Timpano, and Jared Vilhauer (USA). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Pik Breeze (4,431m)
First ascent of Pik Breeze (4,431m) in the Pamir Alai via the west face (720m, 16 pitches, 6A/6B, free and aid), from July 24-25, by Marina Popova and Denis Prokofiev (Russia). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Oqatssut Wall
First ascent of Fram (700m of climbing, M5 A3 C1, capsule style) on the southwest face of Oqatssut Wall, Qaqugdlugssuit peninsula, from February 10-19, by Paweł Hałdaś and Marcin Tomaszewski (Poland). Descended route. First Greenland big wall in winter.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Mythics Cirque

First complete traverse of the Mythics Cirque, Kangertitivatsiaq Fjord, via Circus Maximus (16 summits up to 1,451m, around half new, 6c), from August 1-3, by Felix Bub and Martin Feistl (Germany).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Ataatup Tower (ca 1,350m)
First ascent of The Mental Breakdown (565m of climbing, 7b/7b+ R) on the northeast face of Ataatup Tower (ca 1,350m), Kangertitivatsiaq Fjord, from August 17-18, by Michelle Dvorak (USA), Martin Feistl (Germany), and Fay Manners (UK). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Augustin Peak (2,621m)
First ascent of the north buttress (1,400m, Alaskan 5 AI4) of Augustin Peak (2,621m) in the Kichatna Mountains, on April 20, by Nelson Neirinck, Kurt Ross, and Michael Telstad (USA). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Rise and Shine (ca 2,400m) / Citadel (2,597m)
First ascent of Rise and Shine (ca 2,400m), Kichatna Mountains, via Superfly Couloir (500m, AI5 M6 A2) on the east face, on April 20, by Joseph Hobby and Zach Lovell (USA). First ascent of the northwest face of the Citadel (2,597m), Kichatna Mountains, via Borealis Face (800m, 85°), on April 19, by Joseph Hobby and Zach Lovell (USA). Both of the above routes:
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Cemetery Spire (2,316m)

First ascent of the southwest face of Cemetery Spire (2,316m), Kichatna Mountains, via Gold Rush (600m, 5.12a A1+), from June 4-5, by Silvia Loreggian and Stefano Ragazzo (Italy). Some bolts placed for anchors on the descent.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Mount Huntington (3,731m)

First ascent of Technicolour Superdream (1,300m, 700m of new ground, VI AI5+ M6+ A2) on the west face of Mount Huntington (3,731m), Central Alaska Range, from April 19-21, by Zach Colbran and Grant Stewart (Canada), and Dane Steadman (USA). Descended same face.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Mount Dickey (2,909m)
First ascent of Aim for the Bushes (1,525m, AI6 X M6) on the east face of Mount Dickey (2,909m), from March 31-April 2, by Matt Cornell, Jackson Marvell, Alan Rousseau (USA).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Abercrombie Mountain (2,145m)
First ascent of Moonlight Mile (1,610m, AI4 M4) on the southwest face of Abercrombie Mountain (2,145m) in the Chugach Mountains, on April 1, by August Franzen and Simon Frez-Albrecht (USA). Traversed Mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org9

Mount Morrison (3,731m)
First ascent of Troll Toll (600m, 16 pitches, WI3 M5/6) on the northeast face of Mount Morrison (3,731m) in the Sierra Nevada, on April 14-15, by Jack Cramer, Tad McCrea, and Vitaliy Musiyenko (USA).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Bearhat Mountain (2,648m)

New route on the northwest face (1,210m, WI4 M5) of Bearhat Mountain (2,648m), Montana Glacier National Park, from November 29-30 (37 hours round trip), by Brent Anderson and Dallin Carey (USA).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Baffin - Coronation Glacier
Two one-day first ascents from the Coronation Glacier in July by Noah Benson and James Klemmensen (USA): Salami Exchange Commission (800m, V, 5.10), and Escape from Azkaban (650m, IV, 5.10+).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Waddington Range - Serra Peaks (3,650m)
First east to west traverse of the Serra Peaks (1-5; highest – Serra 4 – 3,650m), involving two new routes and climbing up to 5.7 AI3 M6, by Matteo Agnoloni and Ethan Berman (Canada) and Sebastien Pelletti (Australia). Three days; five days glacier to glacier.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Ausangate (6,384m)
First ascent of the north face of Ausangate (6,384m), Cordillera Vilcanota, via Japones Directo (1,100m, 5.10a WI6), from May 17-20, by Kei Narita and Yudai Suzuki (Japan). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Ranrapalca (6,162m)
First ascent of the northwest face of Ranrapalca (6,162m), Cordillera Blanca, via Ya Pe’ Cholo (900m, 6b 80°), from August 29-30, by Eneko Pou and Iker Pou (Spain) and Micher Quito (Peru). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Tuctubamba West (5,140m)

First ascent of the southwest face of Tuctubamba West (5,140m), Cordillera Blanca, via The Line under the Sky (1,100m of climbing, 6b M6+ but not sustained), on August 3, by Marek Radovský and Ďuri Švingál (Slovakia). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Huallomen (5,463m)
First ascent of Ruta Imantata (500m, ED AI4 M5) on the southwest face of Huallomen (5,463m), Cordillera Real, on June 15, by Daniele Assolari (Italy), Ronaldo Choque Camargo, and Maria Teresa Llampa Vasquez (both Bolivia). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Cerro El Monstruo (1,805m)
First ascent of La Chilenita (1,200m, 5.11+ A0) on the northeast face of Cerro El Monstruo (1,805m), Cochamó, from February 8-9, by Antar Machado and Cristobal Señoret (Chile). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Monte San Valentin (4,058m)

First ascent of the north spur (3,000m, WI5 M5) of Monte San Valentin (4,058m), from December 4-7 including two days glacier approach, by Oriol Baró and Martín Elías (Spain), and Nico Tapia (Chile). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Aguja Guillaumet (ca 2,580m)

First complete and free ascent of Anda pa’ Alla (500m, 8a) on the west face of Aguja Guillaumet (ca 2,580m), Chaltén Massif, in one February day, by Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll (Belgium) and Pete Whittaker (UK).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Western top of Cerro Nora Oeste (2,420m)

First ascent of the western top of Cerro Nora Oeste (2,420m), Northern Patagonia Icefield, via the west ridge – Zenin (ca 900m, 6a+ M6+) – on November 24 after a long approach, by Paolo Marazzi and Luca Schiera (Italy). Descended route.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Flat Top Peak (2,282m)
First ascent of Apparition (1,100m, NZ 6+) on Flat Top Peak (2,282m), Darrans, on July 30, by Ben Dare (New Zealand), solo. Traversed mountain. First continuous traverse of the Darran Mountains, from south to north, from January 8-17, by Rauri MacFarlane (New Zealand), largely solo. Both of the above routes:
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Segla (639m)
First ascent of the The Horns of Segla (ca 350m, Scottish IX,10) on the northeast face of Segla (639m), Senja Island, Troms og Finnmark, on one day in Februarym Greg Boswell, Hamish Frost, and Guy Robertson (UK).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Klokktinden (860m)
First ascent of Beyond Cod and Eagle (400m, WI5 M8) on the north face of Klokktinden (860m), Moskenesoya, Lofoten, on March 8, by Stian Bruvoll (Norway) and Chris Wright (USA). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Stetind (1,392m)
New route on the southwest face of Stetind (1,392m), Nordland – The Southwest Face (790m, 6c+ A0) – on June 30-July 1 (33 hours continuous), by Joda Dolmans and Andreas Widlund (Norway). Traversed mountain.
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
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Kjerag (1,110m)

First ascent of Silverback (1,000m, 20 pitches, 7b+) on the north face of Kjerag (1,110m), Rogaland, from September 9-10, by Jon Egil Auestad and Jan Eivind Danielsen (Norway).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org

Barre des Écrins (4,010m)
First ascent of De l’or en Barre (1,000m, 6a+ A1 M7 WI5+) on the south face of Barre des Écrins (4,010m), Écrins Massif, from January 28-29, by Julien Cruvellier de Luze, Nicolas Jean, and Benjamin Védrines (France). Traversed mountain.
- planetmountain.com

Les Trois Dents du Pelvoux (3,683m)
First ascent of Marie Pelez Vous (900m, ED WI5+ M5+ 90°) on the east face of Les Trois Dents du Pelvoux (3,683m), Écrins Massif, from November 26-27, by Anouk Félix-Faure, Amaury Fouillade, Pierrick Giffard, and Raphaël Marsan (France).
- montagnes-magazine.com

Punta Brendel (3,498m)
First ascent of Couloir Isaïe (600m, 7a/7a+ M8 AI5) on the west face of Punta Brendel (3,498m), Aiguille Noire de Peuterey, Mont Blanc Massif, from February 12-13, by François Cazzanelli, Emrik Favre, and Stefano Stradelli (Italy). Descended route.
- planetmountain.com

Breithorn Central (4,159m)
First ascent of Estate Indiana (800m, M8 AI5 R) on the north-northeast face of Breithorn Central (4,159m), Valais Alps, on September 30, by François Cazzanelli and Leonardo Gheza (Italy). Traversed mountain.
- planetmountain.com

Eiger (3,967m)
First ascent of Renaissance (820m, 7c, 7a obl, three short sections of A2, no bolts placed, capsule style) on the north face of the Eiger (3,967m), Bernese Oberland, from August 19–24, by Peter von Känel and Silvan Schüpbach (Switzerland).
- publications.americanalpineclub.org
- planetmountain.com

Antelao (3,264m)

First ascent of Oltre il Diau (ca 1,000m, 7c A2, no bolts placed) on the south face of Antelao (3,264m), Cadore, Dolomites, from October 4-7 by Martin Dejori, Titus Prinoth, and Alex Walpot (Italy).
- planetmountain.com

Monte Agner (2,872m)
First ascent of Ultima Perla Integral from base of the north face of Monte Agner (2,872m), Pala, Dolomites, via the South Tyrolean Route – Ultima Perla link (1,400m, M6 WI5+ A0), from December 27-29, by Simon Gietl (Italy), Lukas Hinterberger (Switzerland), and Michi Wohlleben (Germany).
- planetmountain.com

Sass Maor (2,812m)
First ascent of Oltre l'Invisible (1,000m, 23 pitches, VIII, VII obl, no bolts placed) on the east face of Sass Maor (2,812m), Pala, Dolomites, from September 15-17, by Yann Borgnet and Antoine Bouqueret (France).
- montagnes-magazine.com

Link: pioletsdor.net

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