La vita è bella - Lagazuoi Nord
La vita è bella is located on the same face as this historic Via del Drago (C. Barbier, A. Giambisi, C. Platter, 1969), climbs the black stream to the left of Das Orakel (Simon Gietl, Patrick Seiwald 2013). and crosses Via Dorsilla, for which at present we have no information.
Completed on 3 August after a first attempt with Barbara Vigl, Life is Beautiful is very beautiful route and, above all, a line with homogeneous difficulties: 6-, 7+, 5+, 7-, 7+, 7-, 7+, 7. Some threads with in-situ cordelettes help the route finding, but in some sections free climbing is absolutely obligatory! Strong nerves and good stamina are needed therefore for a repeat.
We'd appreciate it if the route remains as similar as possible to how it was first ascended, thanks!
Reach Passo Falzarego and walk up to Lagazuoi, from the col traverse below the face to the base of the climb. Alternatively, take the cable car then follow path 20b for 40 minutes to reach the base of the wall... an option only for mountaineers who love comfortable approaches ;-)
DescentEither downclimb southwards, or abseil to the side and down the route (see topo).
GearFll alpine rack, small cams, threads, wires, 2-3 pegs. We climbed the route with 2 x 50m half ropes.