Eau et gaz à toutes les étages - Grand Capucin

Eau et gaz à toutes les étages
First ascent
JM. Boivin, M. Moioli, F. Diaferia
Roberto Rossi
ED+, 7c max.
Obligatory difficulty
6b obbl.
A spectacular, demanding and, as the name suggests, extremely airy route. Not to be underestimated at any costs: retreat is a difficult proposition, and almost impossible above the great roof. Psychologically more demanding than Voyage or Elixir, but highly rewarding. After the pitch shared with Bonatti-Ghigo (40m wall), don't climb north up the exit for “Directe des Capucins”, as the cracks are almost always filled with snow and ice and therefore unprotectable and runout. Instead, continue to the obvious roof with in-situ pegs. Friends are used on many belays, a hammer isn't necessary. A pendulum is carried out beneath the large roofs!
From Rifugio Torino (3375m) traverse west towards Col des Flambeaux. From here continue beneath the cable car and left to then continue at altitude towards the inconfoundable Grand Capucin. Start directly beneath the enormous grey corner, capped by a large roof. Descent
Abseil down using the belays on Voyage + Elisir (final three abseils). Gear
Full rack of friends, at least two n.5.
From Rifugio Torino (3375m) traverse west towards Col des Flambeaux. From here continue beneath the cable car and left to then continue at altitude towards the inconfoundable Grand Capucin. Start directly beneath the enormous grey corner, capped by a large roof. Descent
Abseil down using the belays on Voyage + Elisir (final three abseils). Gear
Full rack of friends, at least two n.5.
11/11/2008 Ricotti Marcello
Una via classica con difficoltà non classiche. Chiodi ce ne sono ma da integrare anche le soste. Porta 2 camlot 5 per l'offwidth dopo il tetto. Il martello serve x ribattere eventuali chiodi. Per nulla facili e su roccia mediocre i tiri dopo terrazze bonatti. Ci ho messo 10 h. Con Giovanni Rivolta.
03/09/2002 dddddrr qwertrt
se ti caghi in mano a fare le soste su friends...porta il maertello...
02/09/2002 m
Bella via impegnativa e di soddisfazione, ma con alcuni tratti di roccia non sempre solida. Un consiglio: non date retta a chi vi dice di lasciare a casa il martello... portatelo!
First ascent
JM. Boivin, M. Moioli, F. Diaferia
Roberto Rossi
ED+, 7c max.
Obligatory difficulty
6b obbl.
Routes in the same mountain group
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