The routes

Climbing routes

Routes in archive
Grande Muro
Grande Muro - Heiligkreuzkofel
Great route up solid rock, especially in the upper section. In-situ gear can be found throughout the entire route.
Gratta e Vinci
Gratta e Vinci - Sas dai Tamersc
The beautiful "Sas dai Tamersc" has been observed and attempted by numerous alpinists and prior to our climb, only two fairly unknown routes made their way up the SW Face. To the right of the arete, up the crack and...
Happy Ledge
Happy Ledge - Val Trementina Parete Est, Paganella
Great rock climb first ascended ground-up over 4 days by Rolando Larcher and Nicola Sartori.The beauty of the rock, the particular form of the face with comfortable ledges, the starting cave that resembles a spiral staircase and connects to natural holes...
Hart aber Fair
Hart aber Fair - Piz dla Dorada
Hart aber fair - hard but fair - is located between the only other two routes on the face, namely Neolit and Spaßbremse (both established by Gietl between 2014 and 2015) and was forged ground-up over two days in summer...
Hasse Brandler
Hasse Brandler - Cima Grande di Lavaredo
An important old aid-route that takes a direct line up the North Face of the Cima Grande. Regardless of the style of ascent, the route, due to its 18 pitches, is very tiring and thus requires a certain level of...
Icterus - First Sella Tower

Beautiful route which offers technical and pumpy climbing up good to excellent rock. In 2009 the two mountain guides Alberto De Giuli and Renato Bernard re-equipped the routes with bolts, at times run-out, while the third pitch now ascends direct...
Il bianco calimero
Il bianco calimero - Croz del rifugio
Rock climb first ascended by Andrea Galizzi, Francesco Carrara and Gabriele Carrara up the East Face of Croz del rifugio. Bolted belays.
Il sole e la luna
Il sole e la luna - Transatlantico
Il sole e la luna, the sun and the moon, was established all free and ground-up without the use of aid between one bolt and the next. The rock is excellent, the third pitch is spectacular. The climb is totally...
Jeo - Col de Stagn, Sella
Jeo is the latest modern sport climb to be established up the East Face of Col de Stagn, after the hugely popular Eva Dorme (6b+ max) and its easier neighbour Ludomania (6a max). Of the three routes currently on this...
L Pilaster Desmincià
L Pilaster Desmincià - Sass Rigais
L Pilaster Desmincià, the forgotten pillar, climbs the NW Face of Sass Rigais. Although the rock is rather loose on the lower and upper section, the central part of the route contains rock that is 'pure joy.'
L'Ora del Garda
L'Ora del Garda - Mandrea Arco
Demanding and sustained climb."All said are done there are 10 pitches, 9 new ones plus a final easy pitch shared with another route. The route climbs an extraordinary void, offers a nice variety of climbing styles the demand a disturbing...
L'Uovo di Colombo
L'Uovo di Colombo - Monte Brento
7c+ max, 7a+ soft
In mid-June Rolando Larcher and Herman Zanetti made the first ascent of L'uovo di Colombo up Monte Cimo in Val d'Adige. A 200m route that breaches the obvious large roofs with two different options: hard 7c+ and soft 7a+.
La Gana tla Pera
La Gana tla Pera - Neunerspitze - Sasso delle Nove - Piza dales Nü
La Gana tla Pera on the south face of Neunerspitze / Sasso delle Nove provides beautiful slab climbing on excellent rock, between the famous Messner route and Somnium.
La Guerriera
La Guerriera - Cima Bassa d'Ambiez
La Guerriera was established after having discovered the line abseiling off Sguardo al Passato. 9 pitches and 290m lead to the top of the route, circa 150m short of the summit which...
La perla preziosa
La perla preziosa - Heiligkreuzkofel
IX+ (7c+), R3, II; EX (technical, gear, ambient; complex)
On 28 August 2008 Mountain Guide Nicola Tondini completed the first ascent of his "La perla preziosa" up the beautiful West Face of Sass dla Crusc in the heart of the Italian Dolomites. Tondini spent a total of five days...
La Piccozza nella Roccia
La Piccozza nella Roccia - Punta Centrale dei Sfulmini
Piccozza nella Roccia provides 10 pitches, almost all circa 50m long, up Cima Principale degli Sfulmini in the heart of the Brenta Dolomites. All belays are equipped with pegs and threads, but on the pitches only pegs and cams were uses....

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Expo / Products
Light and ergonomic single-buckle climbing harness, developed for high-level sport climbing and competitions.
Lightweight ice climbing axes designed for glacier travel, alpinism and ski mountaineering.
Microfibre sleeping bag with top-of-the-range heat insulation performance and light weight.
Travel and leisure shoes
Light climbing helmet with kevlar reinforcements.
Minimalist, lightweight jacket
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