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Jakob Schubert and Gabriele Moroni unleashed
28/04/2011 - Climbing
Jakob Schubert and Gabriele Moroni unleashed
Jakob Schubert from Austria has repeated Chris Sharma's Papichulo 9a+ at Oliana and on-sighted Aitzol 8c at Margalef. Gabriele Moroni has carried out the first repeat of Coup de Grace 9a by Dave Graham in the Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
59th TrentoFilmFestival, select events
27/04/2011 - Events
59th TrentoFilmFestival, select events
The 59th Trento Film Festival takes place from 28 April to 8 May to celebrate mountains, society, cinema and literature. Numerous mountaineering personalities gather in Italy's Trento including Messner, Herzog, Bonatti, Mazeaud, Erri De Luca, Mauro Corona, Neri Marcoré, Enrico...
Shisha Pangma, the video of Ueli Steck
27/04/2011 - Alpinism
Shisha Pangma, the video of Ueli Steck
The video of Ueli Steck and his speed ascent of Shisha Pangma (8027m), Tibet
Abele Blanc summits Annapurna and all 8000ers
26/04/2011 - Alpinism
Abele Blanc summits Annapurna and all 8000ers
At 13.40 Nepalese time Italian mountain Guide Abele Blanc reached the summit of Annapurna (8091m, Nepal, Himalaya). In doing so he has now ascended all 14 8000ers, and is the third Italian to do so without supplementary oxygen.
Towers of the Ennedi
26/04/2011 - Alpinism
Towers of the Ennedi
The film Towers of the Ennedi which documents the climbing expediton in Chad by James Pearson, Mark Synnott, Renan Ozturk and Alex Honnold.
Adam Ondra, 9b incredible fight and fun
26/04/2011 - Climbing
Adam Ondra, 9b incredible fight and fun
Last Friday at Villanueva del Rosario, Spain, Adam Ondra made the first ascent of La planta de shiva 9b. A day later at Achidona he climbed three 8c's in a single day.
Greenland Big walls, all videos now online
23/04/2011 - Alpinism
Greenland Big walls, all videos now online
All five Vertical Sailing Greenland videos are now online documenting the climbing and sailing adventure of Nico Favresse, Olivier Favresse, Sean Villanueva and Ben Ditto on Greenland's big walls
Eiger speed record by Dani Arnold
22/04/2011 - Alpinism
Eiger speed record by Dani Arnold
On 20/04/2011 Dani Arnold from Switzerland climbed the Heckmair route up the North Face of the EIger in 2 hours 28 minutes, setting a new speed record up this historic line.
Melloblocco #1, Copper skies above Monolith by Popi Miotti
22/04/2011 - Climbing
Melloblocco #1, Copper skies above Monolith by Popi Miotti
Giuseppe 'Popi' Miotti, the visions of a climber in Val Masino – Val di Mello and the distant vertical galaxies of pure granite.
Hervé Barmasse, the new Matterhorn route and the exploration of the Alps
22/04/2011 - Alpinism
Hervé Barmasse, the new Matterhorn route and the exploration of the Alps
On 9 April, after 4 days on the wall and three bivvies, Hervé Barmasse reached the summit of Picco Muzio via a new 700m route up the great pillar located on the South Face. This is the first stage in...
Milan Climbing flash: The Bouldering World Cup and the other visions
21/04/2011 - Competitions
Milan Climbing flash: The Bouldering World Cup and the other visions
The Bouldering World Cup as seen through the (enamoured) eyes of Nicola Noè and Nicoletta Costi and the particular photos taken by Diego Neonati.
Ueli Steck, the climb up Shisha Pangma
21/04/2011 - Alpinism
Ueli Steck, the climb up Shisha Pangma
Some details about Ueli Steck's recent speed ascent of Shisha Pangma.
Chris Sharma, the Margalef minutes
20/04/2011 - Interviews
Chris Sharma, the Margalef minutes
Interview with American climber Chris Sharma after his successful first ascent of First Round, First Minute at Margalef, Spain. 
In memory of Guy Lacelle
20/04/2011 - Alpinism
In memory of Guy Lacelle
The film dedicated to Guy Lacelle from Canada, one of the pioneers of ice climbing.
Adam Ondra, Chilam Balam video
19/04/2011 - Climbing
Adam Ondra, Chilam Balam video
Video of Adam Ondra working Chilam Balam at Villanueva del Rosario, Spain.
Piolet d'Or 2011, winners, diversity and the challenges of alpinism
19/04/2011 - Events
Piolet d'Or 2011, winners, diversity and the challenges of alpinism
Two Piolets d'Or were awarded on 15 April in Chamonix, France, during the IXX Piolet d'Or 2011: to the Greenland Big Walls by Sean Villanueva, Nicolas and Olivier Favresse, Ben Ditto and Bob Shepton and to the ascent up Mount...

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Men's climbing harness with fast adjustment
Pants for trekking, hiking and summer trips.
Precise climbing shoes featuring La Sportiva No-Edge technology.
Ergonomic, high-performance and robust quickdraw for high-level sport climbing.
Giacca ibrida che garantisce protezione dal vento, comfort, libertà di movimento e termicità.
A lightweight mountaineering boot disguised as a hiking boot
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