Greenland Big walls, all videos now online

All five Vertical Sailing Greenland videos are now online documenting the climbing and sailing adventure of Nico Favresse, Olivier Favresse, Sean Villanueva and Ben Ditto on Greenland's big walls
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Greenland Big Walls Expedition
arch Piolet d'Or
The Reverend Bob Shepton gave them his blessing ;-) and now all five videos are online documenting Nico Favresse, Olivier Favresse, Sean Villanueva and Ben Ditto as they explore Greenland's big walls from their tiny sailing boat base camp.

The adventure netted the climbers one of the two Piolet d'Or in Chamonix last weekend (along with the Japanese Yasushi Okada and Katsutaka Yokoyama) and shows clearly the commitment and above all joy which accompanied the team throughout three month climbing and sailing trip.

After the Episode 1 introduction, Episode 2 is dedicated to the hardest of their 9 routes, The Devil's Brew described by Nico Favresse as "Probably the most adventurous route we have ever done." Check out the climb through the black hole to understand why. Episode 3 then documents the first ascent of Never Again, a 550m line climbed with their 75-year-old skipper who hadn't touched rock for 35 years. Episode 4 is entitled Push and shows how their quest for virgin terrain continues relentlessly on Angegoq Tower on Quvernit Islandm while the final episode, The Atlantic Crossing, needs no explanation but definitely watching!

Filmed by all team members and edited by Sean Villanueva, these are must sees. And if by chance you missed it, do check out the Greenland roundup interview with Nico Favresse immediately after their adventure in October 2010.

#1: The Road to Greenland

#2: Impossible Wall

#3: Never Say Never

#4: Push

#5: The Atlantic Crossing

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Light and ergonomic single-buckle climbing harness, developed for high-level sport climbing and competitions.
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Belay device with cam-assisted blocking, optimized for lead climbing
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