6653 News found

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Lead World Cup 2012: Sachi Amma and Mina Markovic win in Chamonix
16/07/2012 - Competitions
Lead World Cup 2012: Sachi Amma and Mina Markovic win in Chamonix
The debut to the Lead World Cup 2012 was won last weekend by an amazing Sachi Amma and by Mina Markovic, more combative than ever before. The Speed event was won by Stanislav Kokorin from Russia and Aleksandra Rudzinska from...
Monaco di Clausura, new rock climb at San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily
16/07/2012 - Climbing
Monaco di Clausura, new rock climb at San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily
On 02/06/2012 Fabio Failla and Luigi Filocamo made the first ascent of Monaco di Clausura (5 pitches, 6c max, 6b+ obligatory) up the north face of Pizzo Monaco, San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily.
Tradannot, the Annot trad meeting video
13/07/2012 - Climbing
Tradannot, the Annot trad meeting video
Video of the trad climbing meeting Tradannot at Annot in France.
Ascending Rhythm, the rhythm of climbing according to Ron Kauk and Sterling Johnson
13/07/2012 - Climbing
Ascending Rhythm, the rhythm of climbing according to Ron Kauk and Sterling Johnson
Ascending Rhythm, two video clips by Sterling Johnson and Ron Kauk about climbing as an interior journey into nature, set in the fantastic Yosemite Valley.
Mazeno Ridge: Nanga Parbat summit not yet reached
12/07/2012 - Alpinism
Mazeno Ridge: Nanga Parbat summit not yet reached
Contrary to Cathy O'Dowd's Twitter message last night, the South African alpinist has now published new messaged in which she makes clear that the summit has not yet been reached,. Her climbing partners Sandy Allan, Rick Allen and the Sherpa...
Mazeno Ridge: ascent completed to the summit of Nanga Parbat!
11/07/2012 - Alpinism
Mazeno Ridge: ascent completed to the summit of Nanga Parbat!
The expedition comprised of Cathy O’Dowd, Sandy Allan and Rick Allen has just reached the summit of Nanga Parbat after having climbed the entire Mazeno Ridge.
Riegler brothers return to Darwo Chhok in Karakorum
11/07/2012 - Alpinism
Riegler brothers return to Darwo Chhok in Karakorum
Four years after their first attempt, Martin and Florian Riegler now return to the Karakorum, Pakistan, together with Austrians Monika Mehlmauer and Christoph Mohl to attempt the virgin Darwo Chhok Peak (5850m).
Karl Unterkircher Award won by Ukranian Great Trango Tower expedition
11/07/2012 - Events
Karl Unterkircher Award won by Ukranian Great Trango Tower expedition
On Friday 6 July at Selva di Val Gardena (Italy) Marina Kopteva and Anna Yasinskaya from the Ukraine and Galina Chibitok from Russia received the Karl Unterkircher Award 2012 for their new route established in 38 days up the NW...
James McHaffie conquers the Meltdown in Wales' Dinorwig slate quarries
10/07/2012 - Climbing
James McHaffie conquers the Meltdown in Wales' Dinorwig slate quarries
Big news comes from the fresh Dinorwig slate quarries in Wales where British climber James McHaffie has freed an old project which over the years had come to be known as The Meltdown project.
The North Face Kalymnos Climbing Festival - video #2
10/07/2012 - Events
The North Face Kalymnos climbing Festival - video #2
The second video which anticipates the The North Face Kalymnos climbing Festival which will take place from 26 -30 September 2012 on the Greek climbing island.
Slovak Direct on Denali climbed by Bullock and Houseman
09/07/2012 - Alpinism
Slovak Direct on Denali climbed by Bullock and Houseman
From 24 - 27 June 2012 British alpinists Nick Bullock and Andy Houseman made a rare repeat of the Slovak Direct route up Denali (6194m) in Alaska.
Nanga Parbat Mazeno Ridge, Allan, Allen and O’Dowd on the ridge
09/07/2012 - Alpinism
Nanga Parbat Mazeno Ridge, Allan, Allen and O’Dowd on the ridge
The expedition of Sandy Allan, Rick Allen and Cathy O’Dowd to attempt the unclimbed Mazeno Ridge on Nanga Parbat, Pakistan.
Cara, new route in Val Gadena by Roverato and Carraro
06/07/2012 - Climbing
Cara, new route in Val Gadena by Roverato and Carraro
Between March and June 2012 Alessio Roverato and Angela Carraro established Cara (260m, 7c max, 7a+ obl), a new route up the East Face of Val Gadena (Valsugana, Italy).
Aiguilles du Dru, new North Face rockfall
06/07/2012 - Alpinism
Aiguilles du Dru, new North Face rockfall
On 05/07/2012 a section of the North Face of Petit Dru (Mont Blanc) was affected by rockfall. This collapse follows in the wake of numerous other falls in recent years.
Superbalance, Polar Sun Spire, Baffin, interview with Marek Raganowicz
05/07/2012 - Alpinism
Superbalance, Polar Sun Spire, Baffin, interview with Marek Raganowicz
Interview with Polish climber Marek Raganowicz who in April and May 2012 established a new big wall climb, Superbalance (VII, A4, M7+) up Polar Sun Spire on Baffin Island together with Marcin Tomaszewski.
Enzo Oddo climbing at the Red River Gorge, USA
05/07/2012 - Climbing
Enzo Oddo climbing at the Red River Gorge, USA
Video of French climber Enzo Oddo climbing at Red River Gorge, USA.

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Expo / Products
Pants for trekking, hiking and summer trips.
Giacca ibrida che garantisce protezione dal vento, comfort, libertà di movimento e termicità.
Precise climbing shoes featuring La Sportiva No-Edge technology.
Crag climbing backpack with top and back panel easy access to the main compartment and lots of cool features.
Fast hiking shoes with gore-tex lining
Minimalist, lightweight jacket
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