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Kilian Jornet Burgada, Innominata Ridge and Mont Blanc in 6 hours 17 minutes
20/09/2012 - Alpinism
Kilian Jornet Burgada, Innominata Ridge and Mont Blanc in 6 hours 17 minutes
On 18 September Spanish ski mountaineer and sky runner Kilian Jornet Burgada ascended from Courmayeur to the summit of Mont Blanc via the famous Innominata Ridge (1000m, D+, V+, 60º) in 6 hours and 17 minutes. The Spaniard then raced...
New difficult rock climbs in Greenland
20/09/2012 - Climbing
New difficult rock climbs in Greenland
This summer Tomas Brt (Czech Republic), Vlado Linek and Jan Smolen (Slovakia) visited Greenland’s Tasermiut Fjord where they established two new routes, Turbo (VIII+, A2,1450m) on the South Face of Ketil and Keep Panic, Please (VIII, 1270m)  up the NW...
Gran Sasso, new rock climb by Iannilli and D'Andrea
19/09/2012 - Alpinism
Gran Sasso, new rock climb by Iannilli and D'Andrea
Between 29 and 30 August 2012 Roberto Iannilli and Luca D'Andrea made the first ascent of Compagni dai campi e dalle officine (330m, EX up to VI-, A4) on the East Face of  Corno Grande, Vetta Occidentale, Gran Sasso, Italy.
Climbing violations at Joshua Tree
18/09/2012 - Climbing
Climbing violations at Joshua Tree
Egregious wilderness climbing violations found at Joshua Tree National Park, USA.
Ogre North Face, the attempt by Barmasse and Bernasconi
18/09/2012 - Alpinism
Ogre North Face, the attempt by Barmasse and Bernasconi
Hervé Barmasse talks about his failed attempt-project carried out last July together with Daniele Bernasconi up the virgin North Face of Ogre.
Ala Daglar, climbing in Turkey through the eyes of Petit and Bodet
18/09/2012 - Alpinism
Ala Daglar, climbing in Turkey through the eyes of Petit and Bodet
Arnaud Petit and Stephanie Bodet recently climbed in the Ala Daglar massif in Turkey where they carried out, amongst others, the first repeat of Red moon and Star put up by Rolando Larcher and Luca Giupponi.
Come animali nella bolla dei temporali, new route up Corno Stella
18/09/2012 - Alpinism
Come animali nella bolla dei temporali, new route up Corno Stella
In August 2012 Christian Gaab, Uli Strunz, Benno Wagner, Toni Lamprecht and Paolo Maldi Dalmasso made the first ascent of Come animali nella bolla dei temporali (7c, 6c obl., 450m) up the NE Face of Corno Stella, Maritime Alps.
Oscar Perèz and Francesca Canepa win the Tor des Geants 2012
17/09/2012 - Competitions
Oscar Perèz and Francesca Canepa win the Tor des Geants 2012
The Tor des Geants 2012 was won by Oscar Perèz (Spain) and Francesca Canepa (Italy). The race along the Valle d'Aosta paths at the foot of Mont Blanc (330km and 24.000 elevation gain) was completed by 392 athletes.
Out of Reality, Kopold and Sabovcik new route attempt on Great Trango Towe
14/09/2012 - Alpinism
Out of Reality, Kopold and Sabovcik new route attempt on Great Trango Towe
This August the Slovak climbers Dodo Kopold and Michal Sabovcik forged a new line up the NW Face of Great Trango Tower (6286m), Karakorum. Their "Out of Reality" ends on the shoulder circa 400m below the summit.
Forest Gump, new rock climb by Krajnc and Lindic up Rocchetta Alta, Dolomites
14/09/2012 - Alpinism
Forest Gump, new rock climb by Krajnc and Lindic up Rocchetta Alta, Dolomites
This summer Luka Krajnc and Luka Lindic made the first ascent of Forest Gump (VIII+, 650m), a new rock climb up the North Face of Rocchetta Alta, Bosconero, Dolomites.
Matteo Gambaro climbs Abysse 9a at the Gorges du Loup
13/09/2012 - Climbing
Matteo Gambaro climbs Abysse 9a at the Gorges du Loup
On 12/09/2012 the Gorges du Loup in France Matteo Gambaro has climbed his first 9a, Abyss.
Via Leila Cason de Formin is a variation to Leber Kenedi
12/09/2012 - Alpinism
Via Leila Cason de Formin is a variation to Leber Kenedi
Errata: contrary to what we published previously, Via Leila on Cima Cason de Formin (Croda da Lago, Dolomites) is not a new route but a lower variation (5 pitches) to Via Leber Kenedi first ascended in 1990 by Federico Michielli...
Colonne d'Ercole, new climb up Punta Tissi in Civetta by Baù, Beber and Tondini
12/09/2012 - Alpinism
Colonne d'Ercole, new climb up Punta Tissi in Civetta by Baù, Beber and Tondini
On 7 - 8 September 2012 Alessandro Baù, Alessandro Beber and Nicola Tondini made the first free ascent of Colonne d'Ercole (1200m, max IX, obl. VIII+) up Punta Tissi on the NW Face of Civetta, Dolomites, the great new route...
Alien, new route on Presolana by Codazzi and Natali
11/09/2012 - Climbing
Alien, new route on Presolana by Codazzi and Natali
On 11/08/2012 Stefano Codazzi and Daniele Natali made the first ascent Alien (7a+, 150m), a new climb up the South Face of Presolana Centrale.
Via Leila, new rock climb on Cason de Formin, Dolomites
10/09/2012 - Climbing
Via Leila, new rock climb on Cason de Formin, Dolomites
Cortina mountain Guida Enrico Maioni presents Via Leila, a new climb up Cason de Formin in the Dolomites first ascended by Aldo Vascellari, Federico Zanettin and Giovanni Zanettin.
Nick Bullock Echoes
08/09/2012 - Alpinism
Nick Bullock Echoes
Engaging video portrait of British alpinist Nick Bullock.