4123 News found

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Bendler adds 8c+ to Schleierwasserfall
23/11/2005 - Climbing
Bendler adds 8c+ to Schleierwasserfall
Markus Bendler has made the first ascent of "Das Erbe der Väter" 8c+ at the Schleierwasserfall, Tyrol, Austria.
Sul filo della notte' on-sight for Burdet
23/11/2005 - Climbing
Sul filo della notte' on-sight for Burdet
Denis Burdet, Nicolas Zampetti and Jacques Vouilloz have made the first on-sight of "Sul filo della notte", Taghia, Morocco
Fowler and Watts make first ascent of Kajaqiao
22/11/2005 - Alpinism
Fowler and Watts make first ascent of Kajaqiao
Mick Fowler and Chris Watts have made the first ascent of Kajaqiao (6447m) located in the Nyainquentaglia East Range of Tibet.
Flavio Crespi and Angela Eiter win World Cup 2005
21/11/2005 - Competitions
Flavio Crespi and Angela Eiter win World Cup 2005
20/11 Historic Italian victory in Kranj: Flavio Crespi is the first Italian to win the Climbin World Cup Lead. The Women's World Cup was won by Angela Eiter from Austria.
Salvaterra, Garibotti and Beltrami climb new route on Cerro Torre
17/11/2005 - Alpinism
Salvaterra, Garibotti and Beltrami climb new route on Cerro Torre
On 13/11/2005 Ermanno Salvaterra, Alessandro Beltrami and Rolando Garibotti reached the summit of Cerro Torre vie their new route 'El Arca de los Vientos' (The Arc of Winds), Patagonia.
Glowacz and Jasper summit Murallon!
17/11/2005 - Alpinism
Glowacz and Jasper summit Murallon!
Stefan Glowacz and Robert Jasper have completed their "Vom Winde verweht" up the North Pillar of Murallón, Patagonia.
Banff Mountain Festival winners 2005
16/11/2005 - Events
Banff Mountain Festival winners 2005
Sur le fil des 4000 takes film festival Grand Prize, while the book festival is won by Karsten Heuer for his Being Caribou. The Mountain Photography Competition Grand Prize was awarded to Mead Norton for his photo Prayer Offerings...
Glowacz and Jasper biding time in Patagonia
11/11/2005 - Alpinism
Glowacz and Jasper biding time in Patagonia
After establishing Base camp at Cerro Murallón Stefan Glowacz and Robert Jasper are currently waiting for conditions to improve in Patagonia.
Bindhammer Big Hammer 9a first ascent
09/11/2005 - Climbing
Bindhammer Big Hammer 9a first ascent
On 01/11/2005 Christian Bindhammer made the first ascent of "Big Hammer" 9a at the Pinswang, Austria and "Pandaemonium" 8c.
Harald Berger Alpine Trilogy triumph
07/11/2005 - Climbing
Harald Berger Alpine Trilogy triumph
Harald Berger from Austria becomes the second person to send the Trilogy, comprised of “Silbergeier” 8b+ (Beat Kammerlander), “End of silence” 8b+ (Thomas Huber) and “Kaisers neue Kleider” 8b+ (Stefan Glowacz).
Pietro dal Pra' first repeat of Unendliche Geschichte
07/11/2005 - Climbing
Pietro dal Pra' first repeat of Unendliche Geschichte
Pietro dal Prà from Italy has made the first repeat of "Unendliche Geschichte" 8b+, climbed by Beat Kammerlander in 1990.
Caldwell climbs Nose & Freerider in a day!
03/11/2005 - Climbing
Caldwell climbs Nose & Freerider in a day!
Just two weeks after Caldwell's astounding repeat of the Nose, the young American has pushed things further by phenomenally climbing both the Nose and Freerider on El Capitan, Yosemite, in under 24 hours!
World Cup Valence: Verhoeven and Eiter victorious
30/10/2005 - Competitions
World Cup Valence: Verhoeven and Eiter victorious
The penultimate round of the World Cup Lead 2005 was won in Valence, France by Jorg Verhoeven and Angela Eiter.
Castello dell'Iride at risk
28/10/2005 - Climbing
Castello dell'Iride at risk
The future of Sardinia's most famous southern crags, Castello dell'Iride is uncertain as climbing has recently been forbidded by the town council.
Zero gravity days
26/10/2005 - Climbing
Zero gravity days
Patxi Usobiaga becomes the third person in the world to on-sight an 8c, 'Gaua' at Lezain (N. Spain). Wolfgang Güllich's Action Directe 9a has been repeated by Dai Koyamada and Markus Bock. Martina Cufar on-sights Paieda' 8a+ at Rodellar, Spain...
World Cup Shanghai: victory for Puigblanque and Vidmar
25/10/2005 - Competitions
World Cup Shanghai: victory for Puigblanque and Vidmar
The seventh stage of the World Cup Lead 2005 took place in Shangai, China, last weekend, and was won by Ramón Julián Puigblanque and Maja Vidmar.

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Crag climbing backpack with top and back panel easy access to the main compartment and lots of cool features.
Minimalist, lightweight jacket
Men's climbing harness with fast adjustment
High quality suede gloves designed for via ferrata.
Giacca ibrida che garantisce protezione dal vento, comfort, libertà di movimento e termicità.
Compact via ferrata lanyard with automatic locking carabiners. 
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