Huandoy North, nuova via di Márek Holeček e Radoslav Groh in Perù

Arrampicando in stile alpino, Márek Holeček e Radoslav Groh hanno aperto una nuova via su Huandoy North, montagna di 6360 metri in Perù
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Il tracciato di Boys 1970 su Huandoy North, aperta da Márek Holeček e Radoslav Groh
Márek Holeček, Radoslav Groh

A nemmeno tre mesi dalla prima salita della parete nord-ovest di Chamlang in Nepal, l’alpinista ceco Márek Holeček ha colpito nuovamente, aprendo una nuova via sulla parete nord del Huandoy North in Perù. Arrampicando insieme a Radoslav Groh, ha salito la montagna di 6360m con due bivacchi in 55 ore, affrontando difficoltà fino a M6, WI6 lungo i 1200 metri di via.

Dettagli dell’apertura seguiranno - attualmente i due stanno puntando una linea sul Huascaran - ma la nuova via sul Huandoy si chiama Boys 1970, in onore delle circa 70,000 vittime del terremoto Ancash del 1970, tra cui anche 14 alpinisti dalla Repubblica Ceca.

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Expedition Huandoy Peru 2019 All saints at attention… Two days of hard work and fear, in exchange for one minute of joy.  After 55 hours we return to refugio Peru. It's done! There is the great new Czech route. However, I will write the entire report from the Peruvian rendevous until I finally returnv back after 20th of August  from  hills. Cause I still have another sweet top in front of me, in Cordillera Blanca. But one thing is certain: from 9th of Audust  there is the new line, 1200 meters long  on Huandoy North 6360m. We named the route “BOYS 1970” with my climbing partner Radoslav Groh. The difficulty is M6, WI6. Maybe it should have been labeled "Hell", but it is not reverent to the "lady" who gave us a strong experience ... So in the end we named the route to the memory of 14 climbers who came from the Czech Republic . Because just here under Huascaran,  to a few unfortunate seconds, dreams had dissolved fifty years ago, both theirs and another 70,000 people farther down the valley. Unfortunately, they did not have the o nly, inscrutable and unsubscribable…… happiness. . . #marekholecek#maara #pronasledujsvesny #followyourdreams #huandoy#peru#expedition#firstascent#suunto #goalzero @mammut_swiss1862 @hudysport @bigshockcz @mercedesbenzvans_cz @devoldczsk @jetboilczsk

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