6564 News found

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Broad Peak new route by Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev
27/07/2008 - Alpinism
Broad Peak new route by Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev
On 17/07/2008 the Russians Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev reached the summit of Broad Peak (8047m) after having climbed a new route up the northwest face of the 12th highest mountain in the world.
Nanga Parbat: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer safe in Base Camp
24/07/2008 - Alpinism
Nanga Parbat: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer safe in Base Camp
24/07/2007. After 10 days on Nanga Parbat, Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer managed to descend to 5700m from where they were picked up by a helicopter and safely flown to Base Camp. The odyssey which began on 15 July with...
Hansjörg Auer climbing in Yosemite
23/07/2008 - Climbing
Hansjörg Auer climbing in Yosemite
Five weeks climbing in Yosemite resulted in, amongst others, a repeat of El Nino (5.13d) on El Capitan.
Hades 9a at the Götterwand by Bindhammer brothers
22/07/2008 - Climbing
Hades 9a at the Götterwand by Bindhammer brothers
On 05/07/08 Andreas Bindhammer made the first ascent of Hades 9a at the Götterwand, Tyrol, Austria. His brother Christian repeated the route four days later.
Nanga Parbat: Nones and Kehrer blocked by bad weather at 7000m
21/07/2008 - Alpinism
Nanga Parbat: Nones and Kehrer blocked by bad weather at 7000m
21/07/08 Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer are blocked by bad weather at 7000m on the Bazin glacier on Nanga Parbat. The two Italian mountaineers are in their tent and have phoned saying that they are well. They are waiting for...
For Karl Unterkircher
21/07/2008 - Alpinism
For Karl Unterkircher
Dedicated to his friend Karl Unterkircher, by Ivo Rabanser his companion on climbs and dreams in the Dolomites.
Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer exit the Rakhiot Face: descent tomorrow descent via Buhl route
20/07/2008 - Alpinism
Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer exit the Rakhiot Face: descent tomorrow descent via Buhl route
Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer have climbed the Rakhiot Face on Nanga Parbat and have finally managed to contact Base Camp. Tomorrow they will descend via the Buhl route. After 6 days on the wall the hopes that the two...
Karl Unterkircher perishes on Nanga Parbat
17/07/2008 - Alpinism
Karl Unterkircher perishes on Nanga Parbat
On 15 July the South Tyrolean mountaineer Karl Unterkircher fell into a crevasse at circa 6800m on Nanga Parbat’s Rakhiot Face. Unable to descend, his two climbing partners Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer have been forced to continue their ascent....
L’ode alla Vacha di Gigi Zoppello in the WebTv TrentoFilmfestival
15/07/2008 - Book-press
L’ode alla Vacha di Gigi Zoppello in the WebTv TrentoFilmfestival
Vacha una poesia di Gigi Zoppello, the file by Andrea Andreotti presented in 2002 at the 52nd Trentofilmfestival is now online on the TrentoFilmfestival WebTv
Zaratustra in Ordesa National Park for Josune Bereziartu and Rikar Otegui
15/07/2008 - Climbing
Zaratustra in Ordesa National Park for Josune Bereziartu and Rikar Otegui
At the start of July Josune Bereziartu and her partner Rikar Otegui repeated Zaratrusta (8a/a+, 400m) Ordesa National Park, Pyrenees, Spain.
China closes Everest for 'cleanup' in spring 2009
08/07/2008 - Environment
China closes Everest for 'cleanup' in spring 2009
The Tibetan Environmental Protection Bureau has announced the closure of the northern side of Mount Everest in an effort to clean up the rubbish abandoned on the mountain.
Sacred mountains of the world in the WebTv TrentoFilmfestival
07/07/2008 - Alpinism
Sacred mountains of the world in the WebTv TrentoFilmfestival
Sacred mountains of the world, the film by Božic Stipe produced by Croatian Television and presented at the 54th Trentofilmfestival is now online in full on the TrentoFilmfestival WebTv
World Cup Lead 2008: Johanna Ernst and Tomás Mrázek win first stage in Qinghai
02/07/2008 - Competitions
World Cup Lead 2008: Johanna Ernst and Tomás Mrázek win first stage in Qinghai
On 28/06 Johanna Ernst from Austria and Tomás Mrázek from the Czech Republic won the first stage of the World Cup Lead 2008 in Qinghai, China.
Ceuse Clean-up Day
01/07/2008 - Environment
Ceuse Clean-up Day
Climbers are invited to take part in the Clean-up Day at Ceuse, France scheduled for 05-06/07/2008.
Take the long way home new route on Baffin Island, Canada
27/06/2008 - Alpinism
Take the long way home new route on Baffin Island, Canada
A German expedition including Robert Japser and Stefan Glowacz has carried out the first ascent of "Take the long way home" (700m, 21 pitches, A4 10-) on Baffin Island, Canada.
Nanga Parbat for Italians Nardi and Panzeri
24/06/2008 - Alpinism
Nanga Parbat for Italians Nardi and Panzeri
On 21/06 Daniele Nardi and Mario Panzeri summited Nanga Parbat (8125m), the ninth highest mountain in the world.

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Compact via ferrata lanyard with automatic locking carabiners. 
The perfect mix between a hiking shoe and a trail running shoe
Crag climbing backpack with top and back panel easy access to the main compartment and lots of cool features.
Men's climbing harness with fast adjustment
Minimalist, lightweight jacket
High quality suede gloves designed for via ferrata.
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