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Mt Alberta North Face, important climb by Jason Kruk and Josh Lavigne
26/09/2012 - Alpinism
Mt Alberta North Face, important climb by Jason Kruk and Josh Lavigne
In early September Jason Kruk and Josh Lavigne climbed the North Face of Mt Alberta. In doing so they repeated the House - Anderson route to circa 3/4 height and then continued up new terrain (WI5, M7+++, 1000m, 06-09/09/2012). During...
Lead World Cup, Jain Kim and Ramon Julian Puigblanque win in Puurs
25/09/2012 - Competitions
Lead World Cup, Jain Kim and Ramon Julian Puigblanque win in Puurs
The 4th stage of the Lead World Cup 2012 was won last weekend by Jain Kim from Korea and Ramon Julian Puigblanque from Spain. Reigning World Champion Jacob Schubert was disqualified for having used a means of communication while in...
RockShow 2012: the winners visit Italy's RockMaster
25/09/2012 - Competitions
RockShow 2012: the winners visit Italy's RockMaster
Anna Vollenweyder and Michael Schreiber, the winners of the Salewa RockShow 2012, were invited as VIP guests to Rockmaster 2012.
Aguja Poincenot, Andreas Fransson skis the Whillans ramp
Aguja Poincenot, Andreas Fransson skis the Whillans ramp
On 19/09/2012 Andreas Fransson made the first ski descent of the Whillans ramp on Aguja Poincenot, Patagonia.
The Nose, new women's record by Smith-Gobat and Astorga
24/09/2012 - Climbing
The Nose, new women's record by Smith-Gobat and Astorga
On 23/09/2012 Mayan Smith-Gobat and Chantel Astorga set a new speed record up The Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite climbing the route in 7 hours and 26 minutes.
Manaslu, a report after the avalanche by the Mountain Kingdom expedition
24/09/2012 - Alpinism
Manaslu, a report after the avalanche by the Mountain Kingdom expedition
The situation on Manaslu after the avalanche disaster, sent to us by the Mountain Kingdom expedition
In memory of Alberto Magliano
24/09/2012 - Alpinism
In memory of Alberto Magliano
Alberto Magliano, one of the climbers who died in the terrible avalanche on Manaslu, in the words of climbing partner Michele Comi.
Uncertainty regarding Manaslu avalanche death toll
24/09/2012 - Alpinism
Uncertainty regarding Manaslu avalanche death toll
Rescue operations are still ongoing on Manaslu following the avalanche which struck Camps 3 and 2 on Saturday night. The bodies of six alpinists are said to have been recovered, while five alpinists have been evacuated off the mountain. The...
Devastating avalanche on Manaslu causes numerous deaths
23/09/2012 - Alpinism
Devastating avalanche on Manaslu causes numerous deaths
On Saturday night a devastating avalanche swept through the high Camps on Manaslu. Numerous alpinists have died, including Alberto Magliano from Italy. The tragic outcome is still uncertain, at present there are at least 11 confirmed dead but many more...
Neil Gresham and his Olympiad climb
21/09/2012 - Interviews
Neil Gresham and his Olympiad climb
Interview with British climber Neil Gresham after his first ascent of the Deep Water Solo Olympiad 8b at Pembroke, Wales.
Pamela Pack and The Forever War video at Vedauwoo
20/09/2012 - Climbing
Pamela Pack and The Forever War video at Vedauwoo
The video of American climber Pamela Shanti Pack on The Forever War 5.13c/d at Vedauwoo, USA.
Kilian Jornet Burgada, Innominata Ridge and Mont Blanc in 6 hours 17 minutes
20/09/2012 - Alpinism
Kilian Jornet Burgada, Innominata Ridge and Mont Blanc in 6 hours 17 minutes
On 18 September Spanish ski mountaineer and sky runner Kilian Jornet Burgada ascended from Courmayeur to the summit of Mont Blanc via the famous Innominata Ridge (1000m, D+, V+, 60º) in 6 hours and 17 minutes. The Spaniard then raced...
New difficult rock climbs in Greenland
20/09/2012 - Climbing
new difficult rock climbs in Greenland
This summer Tomas Brt (Czech Republic), Vlado Linek and Jan Smolen (Slovakia) visited Greenland’s Tasermiut Fjord where they established two new routes, Turbo (VIII+, A2,1450m) on the South Face of Ketil and Keep Panic, Please (VIII, 1270m)  up the NW...
Gran Sasso, new rock climb by Iannilli and D'Andrea
19/09/2012 - Alpinism
Gran Sasso, new rock climb by Iannilli and D'Andrea
Between 29 and 30 August 2012 Roberto Iannilli and Luca D'Andrea made the first ascent of Compagni dai campi e dalle officine (330m, EX up to VI-, A4) on the East Face of  Corno Grande, Vetta Occidentale, Gran Sasso, Italy.
Climbing violations at Joshua Tree
18/09/2012 - Climbing
Climbing violations at Joshua Tree
Egregious wilderness climbing violations found at Joshua Tree National Park, USA.
Ogre North Face, the attempt by Barmasse and Bernasconi
18/09/2012 - Alpinism
Ogre North Face, the attempt by Barmasse and Bernasconi
Hervé Barmasse talks about his failed attempt-project carried out last July together with Daniele Bernasconi up the virgin North Face of Ogre.

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Pants for trekking, hiking and summer trips.
High quality suede gloves designed for via ferrata.
Crag climbing backpack with top and back panel easy access to the main compartment and lots of cool features.
Fast hiking shoes with gore-tex lining
The perfect mix between a hiking shoe and a trail running shoe
Giacca ibrida che garantisce protezione dal vento, comfort, libertà di movimento e termicità.
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