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The Melloblocco 2011 bouldering areas
04/05/2011 - Events
The Melloblocco 2011 bouldering areas
The Melloblocco 2011 bouldering area, prepared by Simone Pedeferri and introduced by Nicola Noè
Rock climbing in Thessalia, Greece
03/05/2011 - Climbing
Rock climbing in Thessalia, Greece
Christos Boukoros introduces three crags in Magnesia in Thessalia in the heart of Greece: Kofi, Anavra and Paou.
Gabriele Moroni and Nicolo Ceria, two videos in Switzerland
03/05/2011 - Climbing
Gabriele Moroni and Nicolo Ceria, two videos in Switzerland
Video of Gabriele Moroni on Coup de grace 9a and Nicolò Ceria on Never Ending Story 8B+.
Walou Bass in Taghia, new Morocco climb by Petit, Clouet and Oddo
03/05/2011 - Climbing
Walou Bass in Taghia, new Morocco climb by Petit, Clouet and Oddo
In April 2011 a small French team comprised of Arnaud Petit, Aymeric Clouet and young Enzo Oddo travelled to the Taghia Gorge in Morocco where they created Walou Bass, a 150m climb with difficulties up to 8c.
Mezzalama Trophy 2011. The race, winners and a renewed competition
02/05/2011 - Competitions
Mezzalama Trophy 2011. The race, winners and a renewed competition
On 1 May 2011 the XVIII Mezzalama Trophy was won by the international team comprised of Spaniard Jornet Burgada and the Frenchmen Bon Mardion and Blanc. The women's event was won by Pellissier, Pedranzini, Martinelli. The report and excitement of...
Mezzalama Trophy 2011: the great Monte Rosa ski mountaineering competition postpoined to Sunday
29/04/2011 - Competitions
Mezzalama Trophy 2011: the great Monte Rosa ski mountaineering competition postpoined to Sunday
The start of the XVIII "Mezzalama" has been postponed to 05:30 on Sunday 1 May
Erhard Loretan, good-bye to a great alpinist
29/04/2011 - Alpinism
Erhard Loretan, good-bye to a great alpinist
On Thursday 28 April Swiss alpinist and mountain guide Erhard Loretan died in a climbing accident while ascending Grünhorn in the Bernse Alps. Loretan was one of the greatest alpinists of the modern era, the third person to have climbed...
Melloblocco 2011 - the bouldering game in Val Masino
29/04/2011 - Events
Melloblocco 2011 - the bouldering game in Val Masino
More than 2200 people have pre-registered for the 8th Melloblocco, the world's biggest climbing and bouldering meeting due to take place in Val Masino, Italy from 5 - 8 may 2011.
41st Earth Day
28/04/2011 - Events
41st Earth Day
April 22nd marked the 41st Earth Day, celebrated in 2011 by 190 different countries. We recommend the film/documentary Home by the GoodPlanet foundation, to look at and think about our Mother Earth.
59th TrentoFilmFestival, select events
27/04/2011 - Events
59th TrentoFilmFestival, select events
The 59th Trento Film Festival takes place from 28 April to 8 May to celebrate mountains, society, cinema and literature. Numerous mountaineering personalities gather in Italy's Trento including Messner, Herzog, Bonatti, Mazeaud, Erri De Luca, Mauro Corona, Neri Marcoré, Enrico...
Shisha Pangma, the video of Ueli Steck
27/04/2011 - Alpinism
Shisha Pangma, the video of Ueli Steck
The video of Ueli Steck and his speed ascent of Shisha Pangma (8027m), Tibet
Abele Blanc summits Annapurna and all 8000ers
26/04/2011 - Alpinism
Abele Blanc summits Annapurna and all 8000ers
At 13.40 Nepalese time Italian mountain Guide Abele Blanc reached the summit of Annapurna (8091m, Nepal, Himalaya). In doing so he has now ascended all 14 8000ers, and is the third Italian to do so without supplementary oxygen.
Adam Ondra, 9b incredible fight and fun
26/04/2011 - Climbing
Adam Ondra, 9b incredible fight and fun
Last Friday at Villanueva del Rosario, Spain, Adam Ondra made the first ascent of La planta de shiva 9b. A day later at Achidona he climbed three 8c's in a single day.
Eiger speed record by Dani Arnold
22/04/2011 - Alpinism
Eiger speed record by Dani Arnold
On 20/04/2011 Dani Arnold from Switzerland climbed the Heckmair route up the North Face of the EIger in 2 hours 28 minutes, setting a new speed record up this historic line.
Melloblocco #1, Copper skies above Monolith by Popi Miotti
22/04/2011 - Climbing
Melloblocco #1, Copper skies above Monolith by Popi Miotti
Giuseppe 'Popi' Miotti, the visions of a climber in Val Masino – Val di Mello and the distant vertical galaxies of pure granite.
Hervé Barmasse, the new Matterhorn route and the exploration of the Alps
22/04/2011 - Alpinism
Hervé Barmasse, the new Matterhorn route and the exploration of the Alps
On 9 April, after 4 days on the wall and three bivvies, Hervé Barmasse reached the summit of Picco Muzio via a new 700m route up the great pillar located on the South Face. This is the first stage in...