2849 News found

You searched for: climbers
Tempus fugit - Ala Daglar new route in Turkey
04/07/2007 - Alpinism
Tempus fugit - Ala Daglar new route in Turkey
From 2 - 17 June Mauro Florit, Marco Sterni, Umberto Iavazzo and Massimo Sacchi made the first ascent of "Tempus fugit" 7b 700m on the S Face of Kizilin Baci 2944m, Turkey.
Hotel Supramonte fast repeat by Christian Bindhammer and Damaris Knorr
03/07/2007 - Climbing
Hotel Supramonte fast repeat by Christian Bindhammer and Damaris Knorr
Christian Bindhammer and Damaris Knorr have repeated the multi-pitch Hotel Supramonte (8b) in the Gola di Gorroppu, Sardinia.
Everest: Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding summit in the 1924 footsteps of Mallory and Irvine
18/06/2007 - Alpinism
Everest: Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding summit in the 1924 footsteps of Mallory and Irvine
On 14/06 Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding reached the summit of Everest following the footsteps of George Leigh Mallory and Andrew Irvine to shed light on the mystery of whether the two reached the summit of Everest on 8 June...
Dave Birkett E9 repeat at St Govan’s Head, Pembroke, Wales
12/06/2007 - Climbing
Dave Birkett E9 repeat at St Govan’s Head, Pembroke, Wales
On Tuesday 5th June Dave Birkett made the second ascent of The Brothers Karamazov E9 6c at St Govan’s Head in Pembroke, Wales.
Rock Junior, 500 young climbers invade Arco for the European Climbing Festival
11/06/2007 - Climbing
Rock Junior, 500 young climbers invade Arco for the European Climbing Festival
Great success at Arco for the sixth edition of the Rock Junior with hundreds of young climbers at this authentic sports climbing festival
Rock Junior 2007 increasingly international
08/06/2007 - Climbing
Rock Junior 2007 increasingly international
On 9 -10 June a record VI edition of the Rock Junior will take place in Arco (Garda - Trentino): more than 500 climbers aged 5 - 13 representing 18 nations are expected at the Climbing Stadium for the...
Spitzbergen climbing Expedition to the Atomfjella mountains
07/06/2007 - Alpinism
Spitzbergen climbing Expedition to the Atomfjella mountains
In April a mixed Slovenian – Swiss - German headed to Spitzbergen in Norway where they made numerous mixed first ascents.
Dolomites new route: Gente di Mare, Lastoni di Formin
06/06/2007 - Climbing
Dolomites new route: Gente di Mare, Lastoni di Formin
In summer 2005 Marco Sterni and Mauro Florit made the first ascents of 'Gente di Mare' (7a, 6c oblig, 350m) on the Lastoni di Formin, Croda da Lago, Dolomites.
British Manamcho Expedition 2007
01/06/2007 - Alpinism
British Manamcho Expedition 2007
In April 2007 Mick Fowler, Paul Ramsden, Steve Burns and Ian Cartwright made the first ascents of Manamcho (6264m) and Point 5935m in the Nyainqentaglha East Range in Tibet.
Rock Junior, hundreds of children and their parents at Arco for the climbing game.
29/05/2007 - Competitions
Rock Junior, hundreds of children and their parents at Arco for the climbing game.
On Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 June Flavio Crespi, one of the strongest athletes in the climbing world ranking, will be the special guest of this year's sixth edition of the Rock Junior. This great European Youth Climbing Festival is...
Mezzogiorno di fuoco in Sardinia by Rolando Larcher
25/05/2007 - Climbing
Mezzogiorno di fuoco in Sardinia by Rolando Larcher
On 6 May Rolando Larcher carried out the first free ascent of Mezzogiorno di fuoco (270m, 8b max, 7c obligatory) on Punta Giradili, Sardinia. The route had been established by Larcher together with Maurizio Oviglia and Roberto Vigiani in 2006.
Nives Meroi interview from Everest ABC
22/05/2007 - Alpinism
Nives Meroi interview from Everest ABC
Interview with Nives Meroi from Everest Advanced Base Camp after having reached the summit of her tenth 8000m peak.
Anthamatten and Berthod in Patagonia sweepstake
17/05/2007 - Alpinism
Anthamatten and Berthod in Patagonia sweepstake
In February 2007 Cyrille Berthod and Simon Anthamatten travelled to Patagonia for their first time ever and climbed 8 major peaks in the Fitz Roy massif - De L’S, Saint Exupery, St.Raphael, Poincenot, Fitz Roy, Mermoz, Guillaumet and Cerro Torre.
Dave Birkett climbs Skye Wall in Scotland
16/05/2007 - Climbing
Dave Birkett climbs Skye Wall in Scotland
On 02/05/07 British climber Dave Birkett made the first ascent of the multi-pitch trad line "Skye Wall", E7/8 6b on the remote Skye Wall, Loch Coruisk, Scotland
David Lama and Angela Eiter win first stage of the Climbing Worldcup Lead 2007 in Imst
14/05/2007 - Competitions
David Lama and Angela Eiter win first stage of the Climbing Worldcup Lead 2007 in Imst
On 12/05/07 David Lama and Angela Eiter won the first stage of the Climbing Worldcup Lead 2007 held in Imst, Austria.
Kalymnos: Nicolas Favresse adds 8c+
14/05/2007 - Climbing
Kalymnos: Nicolas Favresse adds 8c+
Nicolas Favresse has made the first ascent of"Gora gu ta gutarrak" 8c+, Yann Ghesquiers repeated "Titantrope" 8c+ at Kalymnos, Greece

Expo / News

Expo / Products
An ultralight two-person tent for trekking and biking.
Light climbing helmet with kevlar reinforcements.
A lightweight, stretchy, and comfortable T-shirt.
An agile and lightweight mid-cut boot for mixed-terrain hiking.
Y-shaped via ferrata set made with 20 mm elastic webbing and Tango double gate safety connectors.
High-end one-buckle climbing harness combining comfort and light weight.
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