Dolomites rockfall between III & IV Bastione de Mondeval

Yesterday Francesco Leardi, a member of the C.A.A.I. Gruppo Orientale, noticed a giant rockfall between the third and fourth Mondeval bastion.
"The landslide is certainly very recent" writes Leardi "and has affected some routes, listed listed below." As can be gathered photos, tons of rock have are strewn across the area which is extremely popular with climbers.
Third Tower
Via Hoi-Nau - the rockfall just missed out on the upper section, but I believe it is unsafe to climb. beware, this is not the famous Hoi Nau on Parete Nera, but a lesser-known route.
Fourth tower
South Face - Via Hoi-Riedel - affected and in my opinion unsafe
South Face - Via Priolo-Iavazzo - affected and in my opinion unsafe
South Face - Via Piolo-Merson-Pasqualis - affected and in my opinion unsafe
South Face - Via Bernardi-Demetz - covered in a layer of dust but climbable
South Face - Via Forza 5 by Leardi, Ranzato, Bergamin-Pettenuzzo - untouched and climbable (we repeated without problems)
15/09/2016 - Forza 5, new climb up Quarto Torrione di Mondeval in the Dolomites
Giovanni Bergamin, Francesco Leardi, Giuliano Pettenuzzo and Valerio Ranzato have made the first ascent of Forza 5 (280m, 6b/A1), a new climb up Quarto Torrione di Mondeval, Lastoni of Formin group, Dolomites.