4 giorni una estate - Sass Pordoi

4 giorni una estate: Sass Pordoi, Dolomites
First ascent
F. Lasagni & L. Nadali 19/8/03
Obligatory difficulty
A great route that climbs up the imposing West Face of the Sass Pordoi, to the left of Abram. The route takes a direct and extremely exposed line up excellent rock.
The route was climbed from the ground up over an intense four day period, and weighs in at 6b/6b+ obbligatory, with two pitches graded 6c+ and 7a. The 10mm bolts are fairly run out at times(4-8 meters) and a set of wires, friends and kevlar threads may therefore be found useful for added protection.
The route was climbed from the ground up over an intense four day period, and weighs in at 6b/6b+ obbligatory, with two pitches graded 6c+ and 7a. The 10mm bolts are fairly run out at times(4-8 meters) and a set of wires, friends and kevlar threads may therefore be found useful for added protection.
Getting there
From Canazei take the road to Passo Sella. After the turn-off for Passo Pordoi park the car at the Pian Schiavaneis restaurant. Access
The walk-in takes about 40 mins. From the car follow path no. 647 for Piz Boè and the Val Lasties. Ithe path rises directly up to the Sass Pordoi wall and then continues up a steep scree slope beneath the base of the wall. Walk past the start of the via Fedele to a large black wall. Start on the left, just before the waterfall (cairn marker and bolt).grande parete nera, al suo lato sinistro poco prima di una cascata d'acqua è posto l'attacco (ometto e spit visibile). Descent
From the top of the route continue up on foot to the summit and either take the cable car back down to Passo Pordoi, or walk down the path. Alternativly, abseil down the route (make sure to clip in some bolts so as to reach the belays) or finish the route at half-height and traverse right to meet up with the path that leads down to Passo Pordoi. Gear
The route is bolted throughout using 10mm bolt, at times though they may be run out. We recommend you take a set of mid-sized wires ( 2-6 Wild Country), kevlar threads and small friends (Camalot 0,2- 0,3 -0,5).
From Canazei take the road to Passo Sella. After the turn-off for Passo Pordoi park the car at the Pian Schiavaneis restaurant. Access
The walk-in takes about 40 mins. From the car follow path no. 647 for Piz Boè and the Val Lasties. Ithe path rises directly up to the Sass Pordoi wall and then continues up a steep scree slope beneath the base of the wall. Walk past the start of the via Fedele to a large black wall. Start on the left, just before the waterfall (cairn marker and bolt).grande parete nera, al suo lato sinistro poco prima di una cascata d'acqua è posto l'attacco (ometto e spit visibile). Descent
From the top of the route continue up on foot to the summit and either take the cable car back down to Passo Pordoi, or walk down the path. Alternativly, abseil down the route (make sure to clip in some bolts so as to reach the belays) or finish the route at half-height and traverse right to meet up with the path that leads down to Passo Pordoi. Gear
The route is bolted throughout using 10mm bolt, at times though they may be run out. We recommend you take a set of mid-sized wires ( 2-6 Wild Country), kevlar threads and small friends (Camalot 0,2- 0,3 -0,5).
03/08/2009 :-)
Un capolavoro,
Grazie Fabio, Grazie Lo,
10/08/2005 giulio longatti
bellissima via e parete,abbiamo trovato bagnato solo qualche metro superato con grande eleganza come del resto tutta la via da norbert.complimenti agli apritori.buon divertimento a tutti.
12/09/2004 Beppe Ballico
Stupenda via, lunga, e tutti i tiri sono bellissimi di resistenza e continuità. La roccia è super su tutto il percorso a parte qualche piccolo tratto. Nel tiro di 6c+, ho trovato bagnato solo due passaggi. Personalmente darei anche 6c+ obbligatorio, specialmente nell’11° tiro di 7a e comunque la chiodatura è parecchio distanziata (Es. Sul 4° tiro di 6b di 55 m ci sono 6 spit) e non si riesce tanto a proteggersi con protezioni veloci. Abbiamo usato friend piccolissimi in qualche fessurina. Noi per la discesa, dalla fine della via, con due doppie, siamo tornati alla grande cengia, poi a piedi al Passo Pordoi.Per una ripetizione calcolare circa 9 h.Ciao Beppe e Mauro
02/08/2004 Ste & c.
Bella via , da non sottovalutare , tiri bellissimi tranne il 4° e il 5° (trovato "stonfo" ). Via moderna "alpina" piu' che "sportiva". Ciao
First ascent
F. Lasagni & L. Nadali 19/8/03
Obligatory difficulty
Routes in the same mountain group
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