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Triglav Čop Pillar climbed solo by Gašper Pintar
18/04/2023 - Alpinism
Triglav Čop Pillar climbed solo by Gašper Pintar
The report by Slovenian alpinist Gašper Pintar who on 28 and 29 March 2023 completed a remarkable solo climb of the famous Čop Pillar on the North Face of Triglav in Slovenia. Although technically no longer in the calendar winter,...

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Practical and strong 30 liter haulbag for climbing and big walls.
Cool, lightweight climbing pants.
Light climbing helmet with kevlar reinforcements.
Lightweight hiking boots in lightweight and breathable Perwanger leather.
Ccompact lightweight shock absorber with elastic arms for via ferrata.
Light and ergonomic single-buckle climbing harness, developed for high-level sport climbing and competitions.
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