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Cristian D'Anzul climbs Vizija at Misja Pec
02/03/2012 - Climbing
Cristian D'Anzul climbs Vizija at Misja Pec
Italian climber Cristian D'Anzul has repeated Vizija 8c/c+ at the Misja Pec, Slovenia. The report by Giulio Cassio.
Massive new ice climbs in Romsdalen, Norway
01/03/2012 - Alpinism
Massive new ice climbs in Romsdalen, Norway
A team comprised of Ines Papert, Rudi Hauser, Lukas Seiwald, Kurt Astner, Emanuele Ciullo, Thomas Senf and Scott Milton has just returned from the Romsdalen region in Norway where they repeated a series of routes and made the first ascents...
Chris Sharma, letting go to achieve success
01/03/2012 - Climbing
Chris Sharma, letting go to achieve success
The video of Chris Sharma which shows the importance of the mental aspect in sport climbing.
Der Grantler, new climb in Valle Cochamo, Chile
01/03/2012 - Climbing
Der Grantler, new climb in Valle Cochamo, Chile
Better late than never: in February 2011 the German climbers Frank Kretschmann and Mario Gliemann established Der Grantler (230m, 6b) up Cerro Trinidad Sur in the "Yosemite of Chile", the Cochamo Valley.
National Geographic Adventurer of the Year 2012 to Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa and Sano Babu Sunuwar
29/02/2012 - Events
National Geographic Adventurer of the Year 2012 to Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa and Sano Babu Sunuwar
Everest Guide Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa and kayaker Sano Babu Sunuwar have won the National Geographic People's Choice Adventurer of the Year 2012.
Jonathan Siegrist frees Le Reve at Arrow Canyon
29/02/2012 - Climbing
Jonathan Siegrist frees Le Reve at Arrow Canyon
Video of Jonathan Siegrist on his latest climb, Le Reve 9a/a+ at Arrow Canyon, USA.
Kalymnos new climbs at the E.T. Cave by Neil Gresham
29/02/2012 - Climbing
Kalymnos new climbs at the E.T. Cave by Neil Gresham
British climber Neil Gresham has established a series of difficult new routes at the E.T. Cave on Kalymnos, Greece.
Katharina Saurwein, two 8A+ boulder problems at Hueco
28/02/2012 - Climbing
Katharina Saurwein, two 8A+ boulder problems at Hueco
Video of Katharina Saurwein at Hueco (USA) sending Rumble in the Jungle and Barefoot on Sacred Ground, both graded 8A+.
Katy Whittaker and Michele Caminati, English gritstone repeats
28/02/2012 - Climbing
Katy Whittaker and Michele Caminati, English gritstone repeats
British climber Katy Whittaker has repeated the gristone testpiece The Angel's Share E8 7a at Black Rocks, while Michele Caminati has sent the boulder problem Careless Torque 8A at Stanage.
Iker Pou, new routes at Margalef and Ilarduia
27/02/2012 - Climbing
Iker Pou, new routes at Margalef and Ilarduia
Iker Pou has freed Enemigo Público Nº1 8c+/9a) at the Spanish crag Margalef, while at Ilarduia he has freed Harroputza 9a.
Miyar Valley, new climbs by Schaar and Peschel in India
27/02/2012 - Alpinism
Miyar Valley, new climbs by Schaar and Peschel in India
In summer 2011 Gerhard Schaar and Ines Peschel visited the Miyar Valley (India) where they established a series of new routes.
The essence of bouldering at Utby in Sweden
24/02/2012 - Climbing
The essence of bouldering at Utby in Sweden
Stella Plantin and Hanne Riise on the boulder problem Sockerbiten at Utby in Sweden.
Sappada, new icefalls in NE Italy
24/02/2012 - Alpinism
Sappada, new icefalls in NE Italy
Mountain Guide Riccardo Del Fabbro introduces the most recent icefalls at the historic ice climbing area Sappada in NE Italy.
Alizée Dufraisse and the Reina Mora video at Siurana
24/02/2012 - Climbing
Alizée Dufraisse and the Reina Mora video at Siurana
The video of Alizée Dufraisse and her January 2011 repeat of La Reina Mora 8c+/9a at Siurana in Spain.
Aiguille du Moine, ski and snowboard descent of SE Face
Aiguille du Moine, ski and snowboard descent of SE Face
On 21/02/2012 Davide Capozzi, Julien Herry, Stefano Bigio, Francesco Civra Dano and Luca Rolli made a rare descent with skis and snowboards down the SE Face of Aiguille du Moine (Mont Blanc).
David Lama and the Cerro Torre video
23/02/2012 - Alpinism
David Lama and the Cerro Torre video
The video of David Lama and Peter Ortner and the first free ascent of the Compressor Route on Cerro Torre, Patagonia.

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