6657 News found

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Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer exit the Rakhiot Face: descent tomorrow descent via Buhl route
20/07/2008 - Alpinism
Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer exit the Rakhiot Face: descent tomorrow descent via Buhl route
Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer have climbed the Rakhiot Face on Nanga Parbat and have finally managed to contact Base Camp. Tomorrow they will descend via the Buhl route. After 6 days on the wall the hopes that the two...
Karl Unterkircher perishes on Nanga Parbat
17/07/2008 - Alpinism
Karl Unterkircher perishes on Nanga Parbat
On 15 July the South Tyrolean mountaineer Karl Unterkircher fell into a crevasse at circa 6800m on Nanga Parbat’s Rakhiot Face. Unable to descend, his two climbing partners Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer have been forced to continue their ascent....
Bouldering World Cup 2008:  Dmitry Sharafutdinov and Akiyo Noguchi win in Montauban
10/07/2008 - Competitions
Bouldering World Cup 2008: Dmitry Sharafutdinov and Akiyo Noguchi win in Montauban
Dmitry Sharafutdinov from Russia and Akiyo Noguchi from Japan won the penultimate stage of the Boudlering World Cup held in Montauban, France, last weekend, while the Austrians Kilian Fischhuber and Anna Stöhr have now won the overall World Cup 2008.
Trad Master first free ascent in Finland
09/07/2008 - Climbing
Trad Master first free ascent in Finland
At the start of June 31 year old Perttu Ollila made the first ascent of "Trad Master" at Pärkänvuori, describing it as "the best and hardest dihedral in Finland."
China closes Everest for 'cleanup' in spring 2009
08/07/2008 - Environment
China closes Everest for 'cleanup' in spring 2009
The Tibetan Environmental Protection Bureau has announced the closure of the northern side of Mount Everest in an effort to clean up the rubbish abandoned on the mountain.
Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama set new record on The Nose, El Capitan
03/07/2008 - Climbing
Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama set new record on The Nose, El Capitan
Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama have set a new speed record on the Nose, El Capitan, Yosemite, climbing the route in 2:43:33.
World Cup Lead 2008: Johanna Ernst and Tomás Mrázek win first stage in Qinghai
02/07/2008 - Competitions
World Cup Lead 2008: Johanna Ernst and Tomás Mrázek win first stage in Qinghai
On 28/06 Johanna Ernst from Austria and Tomás Mrázek from the Czech Republic won the first stage of the World Cup Lead 2008 in Qinghai, China.
Ceuse Clean-up Day
01/07/2008 - Environment
Ceuse Clean-up Day
Climbers are invited to take part in the Clean-up Day at Ceuse, France scheduled for 05-06/07/2008.
Take the long way home new route on Baffin Island, Canada
27/06/2008 - Alpinism
Take the long way home new route on Baffin Island, Canada
A German expedition including Robert Japser and Stefan Glowacz has carried out the first ascent of "Take the long way home" (700m, 21 pitches, A4 10-) on Baffin Island, Canada.
Nanga Parbat for Italians Nardi and Panzeri
24/06/2008 - Alpinism
Nanga Parbat for Italians Nardi and Panzeri
On 21/06 Daniele Nardi and Mario Panzeri summited Nanga Parbat (8125m), the ninth highest mountain in the world.
Ignazio Piussi
20/06/2008 - Alpinism
Ignazio Piussi
On 11 June Iganzio Piuzzi died in Gemona aged 73. He was one of the greatest mountaineers in the period 1950 – 1970. His climbing companion Roberto Sorgato remembers him in the following interview.
Nicolas Favresse - trad climbing in Wales and England
13/06/2008 - Climbing
Nicolas Favresse - trad climbing in Wales and England
Nicolas Favresse and Sean Villanueva have just spent three weeks climbing in Wales, repeating a series of routes on Gogarth, Dinas Cromlech and Cloggy including John Redhead's masterpiece "Authentic desire" E7 6b.
François Damilano, Peak Hawley and Aiguille Josephine
12/06/2008 - Alpinism
François Damilano, Peak Hawley and Aiguille Josephine
On 07/05/2008 François Damilano carried out the first ascent of Peak Hawley and the traverse to Aiguille Josephine in the Dhaulagiri Group, Nepal.
Rock Junior 2008 and happy climbing
09/06/2008 - Climbing
Rock Junior 2008 and happy climbing
The seventh edition of the Arco Rock Junior (European Youth climbing Days) lived up to its reputation as being the greatest Youth climbing Festival in Europe.
Rock Junior 2008: registration boom
31/05/2008 - Events
Rock Junior 2008: registration boom
400 climbers have already pre-registered for the seventh Rock Junior European Youth climbing Days due to take place from 7 - 8 June 2008 at the climbing Stadium in Arco, Italy.
Zakopane 2008 Film and photography entries
29/05/2008 - Events
Zakopane 2008 Film and photography entries
Entries for the Zakopane 2008 Fourth Mountain Film Competition and the Second International Mountain Photography ‘Space of Life’ are accepted until 30 June 2008