6657 News found

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Martina Cufar sends Tom et je ris 8b+, Verdon Gorge
25/08/2008 - Climbing
Martina Cufar sends Tom et je ris 8b+, Verdon Gorge
Martina Cufar has made the 4th ascent of Tom et je ris 8b+, Verdon Gorge, France.
Rock Master plus Rock Legends equals Arco and the world climbing champions
22/08/2008 - Climbing
Rock Master plus Rock Legends equals Arco and the world climbing champions
The programme, athletes and all the news in the run up to the 22nd Rock Master and the 3rd edition of the Arco Rock Legends scheduled for 5 - 7 September 2008 in Arco, Italy.
Aleksandra Taistra climbing in France and Spain
21/08/2008 - Climbing
Aleksandra Taistra climbing in France and Spain
Aleksandra taistra from Poland is currently on form in France and Spain, redpointing Botanics 8b/b+ (Rodellar) and Le Mur de six Clopes 8b/b+ St. Leger du Vetoux.
James Pearson climbing interview
18/08/2008 - Climbing
James Pearson climbing interview
Interview with the English climber James Pearson, the man responsible for some of the hardest pyscholgical outings on gritstone and flashes of Font 8b boulder problems.
Climbing at Pietrasecca, Italy
12/08/2008 - Climbing
climbing at Pietrasecca, Italy
Rock climbing at Pietrasecca in Abruzzo, Italy, with 70 routes from 5a to 8c, presented by Cesare Giuliani.
Beka Brakai Chhok summit by Moro and Barmasse
11/08/2008 - Alpinism
Beka Brakai Chhok summit by Moro and Barmasse
On 1 August 2008 Italian mountaineers Simone Moro and Hervè Barmasse reached the hitherto unclimbed summit of Beka Brakai Chhok (6940m) in Pakistan's Karakorum.
K2, an end and a never ending story
06/08/2008 - Alpinism
K2, an end and a never ending story
Italian mountaineer Marco Confortola has been transported by helicopter down to valley. People are now slowly beginning to think about what happened during these last few days on K2.
Babanov and Afanasiev climb new route on Gasherbrum I
05/08/2008 - Alpinism
Babanov and Afanasiev climb new route on Gasherbrum I
On 01 August 2008 Valery Babanov and Viktor Afanasiev climbed a new route up the SW Face of Gasherbrum I (8068m). The ascent comes in the wake of the Russian climbers new route on Broad Peak (8047m), carried out on...
David Lama wrestles Il guerriero del futuro 8c+/9a at Covolo
30/07/2008 - Climbing
David Lama wrestles Il guerriero del futuro 8c+/9a at Covolo
On 28/08/2008 David Lama from Austria made a second go ascent of "Il guerriero del futuro" 8c+/9a at Covolo, Italy
Nicolas Favresse repeats Cobra Crack, Squamish, Canada
28/07/2008 - Climbing
Nicolas Favresse repeats Cobra Crack, Squamish, Canada
On 18/07/2008 Nicolas Favresse made the second ascent of Cobra Crack, first climbed by Sonnie Trotter at Squamish, Canada in 2006.
Yuji Hirayama - The Nose, big walls and bouldering
28/07/2008 - Interviews
Yuji Hirayama - The Nose, big walls and bouldering
Interview with Japanese climber Yuji Hirayama after his recent record speed ascent of The Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite, together with Hans Florine.
Broad Peak new route by Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev
27/07/2008 - Alpinism
Broad Peak new route by Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev
On 17/07/2008 the Russians Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev reached the summit of Broad Peak (8047m) after having climbed a new route up the northwest face of the 12th highest mountain in the world.
Rocca La Meya, new route AlpStation d'Isera
25/07/2008 - Climbing
Rocca La Meya, new route AlpStation d'Isera
On 23 July 2008 Elisabetta Caserini and Ezio Marlier carried out the first ascent of Alpstation d’Isera (270m 7a, 6b+ obl) on Rocca La Meya (Southern Alpi Cozie, Piemonte).
Nanga Parbat: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer safe in Base Camp
24/07/2008 - Alpinism
Nanga Parbat: Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer safe in Base Camp
24/07/2007. After 10 days on Nanga Parbat, Walter Nones and Simon Kehrer managed to descend to 5700m from where they were picked up by a helicopter and safely flown to Base Camp. The odyssey which began on 15 July with...
Hansjörg Auer climbing in Yosemite
23/07/2008 - Climbing
Hansjörg Auer climbing in Yosemite
Five weeks climbing in Yosemite resulted in, amongst others, a repeat of El Nino (5.13d) on El Capitan.
For Karl Unterkircher
21/07/2008 - Alpinism
For Karl Unterkircher
Dedicated to his friend Karl Unterkircher, by Ivo Rabanser his companion on climbs and dreams in the Dolomites.