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Felipe Camargo climbing at Passa Vinte in Brazil
31/05/2013 - Climbing
Felipe Camargo climbing at Passa Vinte in Brazil
Video of Felipe Camargo and the first ascent of Sinairo 8b+ at Passa Vinte in Brazil.
Valle di Daone bouldering in Italy
31/05/2013 - Climbing
Valle di Daone bouldering in Italy
Valle di Daone, one of the most beautiful bouldering areas in Italy, introduced by Stefania Pellizzari e Angelo Davorio.
Ghost Face, new Hubshorn climb by Zanoli, Pagnoncelli, Gallian
30/05/2013 - Alpinism
Ghost Face, new Hubshorn climb by Zanoli, Pagnoncelli, Gallian
On 26 May 2013, Paolo Zanoli, Giovanni Pagnoncelli and Davide Gallian made the first ascent of Ghost Face (TD+, 850m length, 550m height) up the North East Face of Hubshorn (3192m, Pennine Alps). The peak is located on the border...
Gole di Gorroppu, Sardinia: new route climbed by Corrado Pibiri and Fabio Erriu
29/05/2013 - Climbing
Gole di Gorroppu, Sardinia: new route climbed by Corrado Pibiri and Fabio Erriu
In May 2013 Corrado Pibiri and Fabio Erriu made the first ascent of (475m, 6a) in Sardinia's Gole di Gorroppu.
Valery Rozov BASE jumps from 7220m off Everest
29/05/2013 - Alpinism
Valery Rozov BASE jumps from 7220m off Everest
On 5 May 2013 Russian BASE jumper Valery Rozov leapt off the North Face of Everest from a record height of 7220m.
Everest 60 years between legend and business
29/05/2013 - Alpinism
Everest 60 years between legend and business
On May 29, 60 years ago Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary stood on top of the world for the first time ever. Since then Everest has continued to be a symbol, hovering somewhere between a legend and "consumerism". By Erminio...
Tom Randall crack climbing training video
28/05/2013 - Climbing
Tom Randall crack climbing training video
Climbing video of Tom Randall training on hand jams and fist jams.
Roland Hemetzberger and Fabian Hagenauer add difficult new climb to Morocco's Taghia Gorge
28/05/2013 - Alpinism
Roland Hemetzberger and Fabian Hagenauer add difficult new climb to Morocco's Taghia Gorge
German climbers Roland Hemetzberger and Fabian Hagenauer have made the first ascent of Tabula Rasa (250m, 8b) on the Paroi de la Cascade, Taghia, Morocco.
Niccolò Ceria drifts up The ghost ship at Champorcher
28/05/2013 - Climbing
Niccolò Ceria drifts up The ghost ship at Champorcher
At Champorcher in Italy's Valle d'Aosta, Niccolò Ceria has made the first ascent of the boulder problem The ghost ship 8B+. Ceria provides the report.
Juanjo Garra perishes on Dhaulagiri
27/05/2013 - Alpinism
Juanjo Garra perishes on Dhaulagiri
Spanish mountaineer Juanjo Garra has died on Dhaulagiri (8167m).
Nicolas Favresse frees his crack project in Norway
27/05/2013 - Climbing
Nicolas Favresse frees his crack project in Norway
On 22 May 2013 Belgian rock climber Nicolas Favresse freed his project in Norway, The recovery drink on Profile wall at Jossingfjord.
Bernd Zangerl and his boulder problems in Val Noasca
25/05/2013 - Climbing
Bernd Zangerl and his boulder problems in Val Noasca
Bernd Zangerl's best boulder problems in Val Noasca, Valle dell' Orco, Italy.
Raptor: Sardinia's Right Wall climbed by Maurizio Oviglia
24/05/2013 - Climbing
Raptor: Sardinia's Right Wall climbed by Maurizio Oviglia
Maurizio Oviglia talks about the first ascent of Raptor at Jurassic Park in Sardinia. A 25m high 7b trad climb reminiscent of the famous Right Wall, first climbed by Pete Livesey on Dinas Cromlech in Wales.
Melloblocco 10, the book
24/05/2013 - Book-press
Melloblocco 10, the book
Photos, texts, stories and meetings of the first 10 years of Melloblocco: the book that retraces the history of the international bouldering festival which, ever since 2004, has taken place in Italy's Val Masino Val di Mello.
Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson repeat The Ice Knife
24/05/2013 - Climbing
Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson repeat The Ice Knife
Video of the first and second repeat of The Ice Knife V15 at Guanella Pass, Colorado, USA carried out in mid-May by Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson.
Armenia, climbing banned on the basalt columns
23/05/2013 - Climbing
Armenia, climbing banned on the basalt columns
Climbing has been baned on the famous basalt columns in Armenia including Arpa Gorge and Garni Gorge.