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The Rise of the Machines, new route on Aguja Poincenot, Patagonia
27/12/2011 - Alpinism
The Rise of the Machines, new route on Aguja Poincenot, Patagonia
Jens Holsten, Joel Kauffman, Mikey Schafer and established Rise of the Machines (VI 5.11 A2+ 900m, 750 new) up the Southwest Face, Aguja Poincenot, Fitz Roy massif, Patagonia.
Climb For Life for a Happy Christmas packed with solidarity
27/12/2011 - Events
Climb For Life for a Happy Christmas packed with solidarity
Once again Climb For Life raises awareness amongst climbers about the need for bone marrow transplant. The initiative by Pietro Dal Prà e Giovanni Spitale includes Climb for life T-shirts at indoor climbing walls.
Johnny Dawes - the rock climbing interview
23/12/2011 - Interviews
Johnny Dawes - the rock climbing interview
Interview with Johnny Dawes, one of the most talented and influential British climbers of all times.
Enzo Oddo climbs La Rambla original 9a+ at Siurana
23/12/2011 - Climbing
Enzo Oddo climbs La Rambla original 9a+ at Siurana
French climber Enzo Oddo has redpointed La Rambla original 9a+ at Siurana, Spain.
Let’s get wild, new route in Patagonia by Schaeli and Gietl
22/12/2011 - Alpinism
Let’s get wild, new route in Patagonia by Schaeli and Gietl
This December Roger Schaeli and Simon Gietl established Let's get wild (600m, 7a, 90°), their new route up Aguja Guillaumet (2579m) in Patagonia.
Katja Vidmar, Petting with an alligator in the Maltatal
22/12/2011 - Climbing
Katja Vidmar, Petting with an alligator in the Maltatal
The video of Katja Vidmar sending the boulder problem Petting with an alligator 8A+ in the Maltatal, Austria
Adam Ondra, his total climbing progression via Tough Enough in Madagascar
21/12/2011 - Climbing
Adam Ondra, his total climbing progression via Tough Enough in Madagascar
The video of the first one day free ascent of Tough Enough in Tsaranoro (Madagascar) in October 2010 and the total climbing progression of Adam Ondra, the Czech climber who amazed the world.
Rätikon, new climb Velocità Limitata by Spreafico and Soldarini
20/12/2011 - Climbing
Rätikon, new climb Velocità Limitata by Spreafico and Soldarini
This summer Paolo Spreafico, Domenico "Dodo" Soldarini and Lorenzo Martinelli established and freed Velocità limitata (230m, 8a, 7b+ oblig) up the Sulzfluh (2817m) in Switzerland's Rätikon.
Pussycat and Man Yoga, two new mixed routes in the Canadian Rockies
20/12/2011 - Alpinism
Pussycat and Man Yoga, two new mixed routes in the Canadian Rockies
Raphael Slawinski, Pierre Darbellay and Bertrand Martenet have established Pussycat (M7 WI5R, 180m) on the Weeping Wall while Jonny Simms and Jon Walsh put up Man Yoga (M8 WI5, 250m) on the Stanley Headwall in the Rockies, Canada.
Aksu North Face, Nefedov brothers climb Transerfing in the Pamir Alay
16/12/2011 - Alpinism
Aksu North Face, Nefedov brothers climb Transerfing in the Pamir Alay
On 15 August 2011 Sergey and Andrey Nefedov completed the route Transerfing (1500m, 7b+), the first free climb up the North Face of Ak-Su (5217m) in the Pamir Alay in Kyrgyzstan.
Aguja Guillaumet, Patagonia
15/12/2011 - Alpinism
Aguja Guillaumet, Patagonia
The North Ridge of Aguja Guillaumet (2579m) in the Fitz Roy massif in Patagonia was first climbed in 1981 by the Argentines Eduardo Brenner and Eduardo Moschioni. Damiano Barabino, Sergio De Leo and Marcello Sanguineti repeated the route on 8...
Alizée Dufraisse climbs 8c+ at Siurana
14/12/2011 - Climbing
Alizée Dufraisse climbs 8c+ at Siurana
French climber Alizée Dufraisse has sent her first 8c+, Patinoso 8c+ at Siurana, Spain.
Corrado 'Korra' Pesce, from No Siesta to Cerro Torre. The interview and meeting with Rolando Garibotti
13/12/2011 - Alpinism
Corrado 'Korra' Pesce, from No Siesta to Cerro Torre. The interview and meeting with Rolando Garibotti
From the North Face of the Grandes Jorasses to Patagonia. Corrado "Korra" Pesce's alpine journey, introduced by Rolando Garibotti in this meeting and interview - from one alpinist to another - in El Chalten
Gabriele Moroni on Bella Regis
12/12/2011 - Climbing
Gabriele Moroni on Bella Regis
The video of Gabriele Moroni on Bella Regis 8c+ at Bus de Vela, Trento, Italy.
Cerro Standhardt El Caracol, new route in Patagonia by Colin Haley and Jorge Ackerman
12/12/2011 - Alpinism
Cerro Standhardt El Caracol, new route in Patagonia by Colin Haley and Jorge Ackerman
At the start of December Colin Haley and Jorge Ackerman completed a new route up Aguja Standhardt in Patagonia: El Caracol (500m, 5.9, A1+, M4). On 7 December Haley soloed Aguja Innominata via the Anglo-American route 400m 6c (6b+ A0).
Sasha Di Giulian on Pure Imagination
08/12/2011 - Climbing
Sasha Di Giulian on Pure Imagination
The video of Sasha Di Giulian climbing Pure Imagination, 9a at Red River Gorge, USA.