2334 News found

You searched for: italy
Luca Marzari, 15-year-old climbs 8a at Lumignano
16/03/2011 - Climbing
Luca Marzari, 15-year-old climbs 8a at Lumignano
The 15-year-old Luca Marzari has climbed two classic routes at Lumignano Classica - Passo Falso and El Somaro.
Eva Scroccaro, first 8a by the 12-year-old at Misja Pec
15/03/2011 - Climbing
Eva Scroccaro, first 8a by the 12-year-old at Misja Pec
On 12/03/2011 Eva Scroccaro from Trieste, italy, redpointed her first 8a, Giljotina a Misja Pec, Slovenia.
Pressknödel, first winter ascent by Simon Gietl and Roger Schäli
14/03/2011 - Alpinism
Pressknödel, first winter ascent by Simon Gietl and Roger Schäli
Simon Gietl and Roger Schäli ahve carried out the first winter ascent of Pressknödel (7c, 400m) on Cima Ovest, Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Dolomites.
Adam Ondra, interview after La Capella 9b at Siurana
07/03/2011 - Interviews
Adam Ondra, interview after La Capella 9b at Siurana
Interview with Adam Ondra after his first ascent of La Capella at Siurana, Spain, which the 18-year-old from the Czech Republic has tentatively graded 9b
Extreme skiing, when falling is simply not an option
Extreme skiing, when falling is simply not an option
Italian extreme skier Davide Capozzi talks about this sport, with particular reference to the Mont Blanc mountain range, from the classic descents to those who have left their mark in the white gold.
Goulotte fantasma on Punta Sant'anna
23/02/2011 - Alpinism
Goulotte fantasma on Punta Sant'anna
On 6 February 2011 the Italians Luca Maspes, Annalisa Bonfanti and Anna Ceruti climbed Goulotte Santanna (250m) up the South East Face of Sant'Anna 3171m, Val Porcellizzo, Alta Val Masino).
Adam Ondra, new 9b in Siurana
17/02/2011 - Climbing
Adam Ondra, new 9b in Siurana
Adam Ondra has made the first ascent of La Capella 9b at Siurana, Spain.
Petit Mont Blanc, ENE Face descent
Petit Mont Blanc, ENE Face descent
On 11/02/2011 Davide Capozzi from italy and Julien Herry from France carried out the what is likely to be the first descent of the ENE Face of Petit Mont Blanc.
Civetta NW Face, first winter solo ascent by Fabio Valseschini
14/02/2011 - Alpinism
Civetta NW Face, first winter solo ascent by Fabio Valseschini
On Sunday 13 February Fabio Valseschini from Lecco, italy, completed the first solo winter ascent of the great Via dei Cinque di Valmadrera (1350m, VI+ A3) on the NW Face of Civetta, Dolomites. After 7 bivvies on the mountain and...
Il Regalo della Befana, new icefall in Val Grande, Dolomites
21/01/2011 - Alpinism
Il Regalo della Befana, new icefall in Val Grande, Dolomites
On 6/01/2011 the Italians Dario De Rossi, Renato Bortolato & C., carried out what is thought to be the first ascent of Il Regalo della Befana (110m II,4), inVal Grande (Santo Stefano di Cadore, Belluno, Dolomites).
Ice Climbing World Cup 2011, Bendler and Tolokonina win in Cheongsong, Korea
10/01/2011 - Competitions
Ice Climbing World Cup 2011, Bendler and Tolokonina win in Cheongsong, Korea
The first stage of the Ice Climbing World Cup took place in Cheongsong, Korea, on 8 and 9 January 2011 and was won by Markus Bendler from Austria and Maria Tolokonina from Russia. The Speed event was won by the...
Two icefalls in Valle dell'Orco and Piantonetto
27/12/2010 - Alpinism
Two icefalls in Valle dell'Orco and Piantonetto
"La Cascata delle miniere" in Valle dell'Orco and "Ciao TFR" in Vallone di Piantonetto, two icefalls in Northern italy climbed by Marco Appino, Umberto Bado, Mauro Appino and Renzo Vottero.
Gabriele Moroni, the fruit of the devil
21/12/2010 - Climbing
Gabriele Moroni, the fruit of the devil
Gabriele Moroni talks about Il frutto del diavolo 8c+/9a, his new route bolted and freed at Bus de Vela close to Arco, italy.
Adamello ski mountaineering in Italy
14/12/2010 - Alpinism
Adamello ski mountaineering in italy
Ski mountaineering on the largest glacier in the Italian Alps. Five ski tours described by the Mountain Guide Cain Olsen: Calotta, Ficazza, Pisgana, Pisganino and the legendary Adamello Tour.
Grotta del Lupo, drytooling in the Dolomites
13/12/2010 - Alpinism
Grotta del Lupo, drytooling in the Dolomites
Gianmario Meneghin introduces the drytooling crag Grotta del Lupoon LakeCentro di Cadore in the Dolomites.
Ice climbing, the season begins
10/12/2010 - Alpinism
Ice climbing, the season begins
The abundant autumn rainfall and sudden drop in temperatures across the Italian Alps has contributed in getting the ice climbing season off to an earlier-than-usual start.