Will Bosi flashes The Dagger and dispatches Dreamtime in a day

On Tuesday Will Bosi made shockingly fast work of two of Cresciano's finest hard boulder problems, The Dagger and Dreamtime. In an amazing display of his prowess, and of how far bouldering has come in the last decade, he flashed Toni Lamprecht's 8B+ and also got awfully close to flashing Fred Nicole's 8C masterpiece.
Writing to planetmountain, Bosi explained "I stuck the crux move and then unfortunately my hand slipped off on the next hold. I then pulled back on a felt chill through the top." On his second go he fell off topping out, on his third he slipped from the tricky heelhook move at the start. On only his 4th attempt he sent.
Bosi recently made headline news with his convincing repeat of Alphane at Chironico. By the sounds of things, finding the Dreamtime bloc proved almost more difficult than his mind-boggling sends. On a serious note, 8B+ has been flashed on diverse occasions in the past, notably by Bosi himself, while 8C has never been flashed before. Suddenly this mirage performance may no longer be that unrealistic.