Laura Rogora climbs 9a in a day, La Prophétie des Grenouilles at Rocher des Brumes
At a time when outstanding performances risk losing their importance due to the sheer number of hard ascents being carried out on a daily basis, it's worth stopping for a moment to think about what Laura Rogora achieved a few days ago at Rocher des Brumes in France.
Fresh from her first-ever victory in the Lead World Cup at Briançon, the 19-year-old Italian managed to redpoint the 9a La Prophétie des Grenouilles on the third attempt and in a single day. This is the first time that the Roman climber has sent 9a in the day and the ascent confirms, once again, her amazing fitness as well as indicating that she is far off her true physical limit.
To put Rogora's ascent into context: some of the first to climb 9a in the day were Adam Ondra and Patxi Usobiaga back in 2009. At the time we theorised that for the male elite 9a no longer represented the non -plus-ultra, rather, in some respects it could almost be considered the end of their warm-up. Perhaps now, 11 years later, the same also starting to apply to the best female climbers.
Link: FB Laura Rogora, Instagram Laura Rogora, Camp, Wild Climb