Action Directe Frankenjura / Stefano Carnati video

In June 2016 Italy’s Stefano Carnati repeated Action Directe, Wolfgang Güllich's absolute masterpiece located at the Waldkopf crag in Germany’s Frankenjura which happened to celebrate it’s 25th anniversary later that year. The perfect prow is one of the most sought after sport climbs in the world and after about 60 attempts Carnati, two days after turning 18, completed "the end of a dream that was turning into an obsession!"
Action Directe (9a), Waldkopf, Frankenjura (GER)
1. Wolfgang Güllich, Germany (14/09/1991) - First ascent
2. Alexander Adler, Germany (1995)
3. Iker Pou, Spain (2000)
4. Dave Graham, USA (2001)
5. Christian Bindhammer, Germany (2003)
6. Richard Simpson, UK (2005) - contested
7. Dai Koyamada, Japan (2005)
8. Markus Bock, Germany (2005)
9. Kilian Fischhuber, Austria (2006)
10. Adam Ondra, Czech Republic (2008)
11. Patxi Usobiaga, Spain (2008)
12. Gabriele Moroni, Italy (2010)
13. Jan Hojer, Germany (2010)
14. Adam Pustelnik, Poland (2010)
15. Felix Knaub, Germany (2011)
16. Rustam Gelmanov, Russia (2012)
17. Alexander Megos, Germany (2014)
18. Felix Neumärker, Germany (2015)
19. Julius Westphal, Germany (2015)
20. Stefano Carnati, Italy (2015)
21. David Firnenburg, Germany (2016)
22. Stephan Vogt, Germany (2017)
23. Simon Lorenzi, Belgium (2017)
24. Said Belhaj, Sweden (2018) - contested
25. Stefan Scarperi, Italy (2018)
Links: Instagram Stefano Carnati, FB Stefano Carnati,