Rosso 70, awarded at the Bansko Film Festival

Rosso 70, the film directed by Francesco Mansutti and Vinicio Stefanello and which retraces the 70 yera mountaineering history f the Scoiattoli mountaineering club in Cortina, has won the Jury's Special Prize during the Bulgaria's X° International Mountain Film Festival in Bansko
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Rosso 70 - Storie e memorie di 70 anni di alpinismo degli Scoiattoli di Cortina
arch. fam. Beniamino Franceschi

The Jury of the 10th Bansko International Mountain Film Festival, comprised of Michael Brown (USA), Mrs. Iglika Trifonova (Bulgaria), Gilles Chappaz (France), Alessandro Anderloni (Italy), Radoslav Spassov (Bulgaria) and Vladimir Kolchagov (Bulgaria), has awarded the Jury's Special Prize to the film Rosso 70.

The Grand Prix was awarded to the Russian film Nyarma by Edgar Bartenev, which beat 80 other films from 24 different countries during the festival which took place from 24 - 28 November. Special guests included the alpinists Elio Orlandi, Erich Abram and Alexander Huber.

Bansko International Mountain Film festival (Bulgaria), 24-28 November
Grand Prix:
“NYARMA” di Edgar Bartenev. Russia, 2009.
Jury’s Special Prize for lifetime achievement: to GERASIM VELICHKOV.
Jury’s Special Prize: “ROSSO 70” by Francesco Mansutti, Vinicio Stefanello. Italy, 2009.
The prize for complete realization in extreme conditions: “MOUNT ST. ELIAS” di Gerald Salmina. Austria.
Prize of the Bansko Tourist’s Business Union and Tourist Association – Bansko, for the film on alpine sport, exploration or adventure: “THE ASGARD PROJECT” by Alastair Lee. Great Britain, 2009.
City of Bansko Prize for the film of special cultural value: “THE KID MOUNTAIN” di Björn Reinhardt. Romania, 2009.
Special Prize for the best Bulgarian film or television production: “TO STEP ON MONT BLANC” by Alexandra Nenkova, Veselka Kiryakova, Miroslava Ivanova. Bulgaria/Switzerland, 2010.

Michael Brown (USA), Mrs. Iglika Trifonova (Bulgaria), Gilles Chappaz (France), Alessandro Anderloni (Italy), Radoslav Spassov (Bulgaria), Vladimir Kolchagov (Bulgaria).

Rosso 70, directed by Francesco Mansutti and Vinicio Stefanello, via the recollections of its protagonists, retraces the mountaineering and life experiences of the Scoiattoli. This is a story which, ever since that distant July in 1939 during which 10 youngsters founded the group, has fed of love for alpinism and the mountains. But also and above all it has lived for that friendship and solidarity which for 70 years has been the true unifying force between the old and new generations. In this manner alpinism, love for climbing, ethics and human values were passed down from father to son, from one friend to the next to contribute towards an evolution which, in looking to the future and without ever forgetting the past, has reached present day. The film is a group testimony which represents the entire, unrepeatable experience of the Scoiattli, from the founders to the youngest members. The film includes the last appearance of Luigi “Bibi” Ghedina, the great mountaineer and one of the founders of the group, as well as Carletto Alverà, a true pillar of this society. It also includes the last appearance of Lino Lacedelli who, once again, in talking about the Scoiattoli and his historic first ascent of K2, illuminates the film with his smile and unforgettable humanity.
The film was commissioned and produced by the Associazione Scoiattoli di Cortina, and was filmed in Cortina between spring and summer 2009. After the premier on 7 December 2009 at Cortina, the film has taken part at film festivals in Trento (Ita), Cervinia (Ita), Zakopane (Pol), Lugano (Sui), Banff (Can), Bansko (Bul).

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