Malsiner Moroder - Fourth Sella Tower
This classic route is not particularly popular, but unjustifiably so. It takes a central line up the solid yellow grey slabs and the middle pitches are very beautiful indeed. Well worth repeating
From P. Sella follow the path for about 20 minutes that leads to the Ferrata delle Mesules. Then follow a slender track up to the wall. The route starts about half-way along the grey slab.
DescentDescend down the gully between the tower and the rock face. From the summit follow the crest east and abseil (50m, fixed belays) south between the Torre and Piz Ciavazes into the gully. watch out for falling rock and loose stones. Descend the gully and a final abseil on the left leads to the scree slpoe and the start of the route.
GearA set of nuts and threads. Helmet and two ropes needed for the descent.