Fessura del Caret - Val Genova

Fessura del Caret: Silvestro Franchini climbing the roof on pitch 3 of Fessura del Caret © Matteo Pavana
First ascent
Silvestro Franchini 2013. First free ascent: Silvestro Franchini 2017
Silvestro Franchini
105 m
Difficult crack climb in Val di Genova within the Adamello - Brenta Natural Park.
In order to climb Fessura del Caret you have to be a good all-rounder on granite, and be good at both slabs and hand jams. The roof, despite being difficult to climb and complicated to work the moves, offers some highly satisfying climbing
In order to climb Fessura del Caret you have to be a good all-rounder on granite, and be good at both slabs and hand jams. The roof, despite being difficult to climb and complicated to work the moves, offers some highly satisfying climbing
Abseil down the route.
P1: tiro resinato poi erba 5 rinvii 6a+ - 60 m
P2: microfriends misure BD 2x #00 2x #2 (giallo) 1x #1 friend c4 1x 0,4 1x 0,75 1x 3 1 rinviio 6c+ da non sottovalutare - 30 m
P3: friends c4 #3 2x #1 #2 7c/8a (?) - 15 m
DescentAbseil down the route.
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First ascent
Silvestro Franchini 2013. First free ascent: Silvestro Franchini 2017
Silvestro Franchini
105 m
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