1765 News found

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Everest: Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding summit in the 1924 footsteps of Mallory and Irvine
18/06/2007 - Alpinism
Everest: Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding summit in the 1924 footsteps of Mallory and Irvine
On 14/06 Conrad Anker and Leo Houlding reached the summit of Everest following the footsteps of George Leigh Mallory and Andrew Irvine to shed light on the mystery of whether the two reached the summit of Everest on 8 June...
Mixed solo climbs by Ezio Marlier in Alps
04/06/2007 - Alpinism
Mixed solo climbs by Ezio Marlier in Alps
Two new routes solo by Ezio Marlier, Spirito Libero (600m IV/4/M4) on Monte Emilius and Aragon (500m IV/4+/M6/A1) on Granta Parey, plus the solo repeats of some classic climbs on Mont Blanc du Tacul and Grandes Jorasses give some food...
Mezzogiorno di fuoco in Sardinia by Rolando Larcher
25/05/2007 - Climbing
Mezzogiorno di fuoco in Sardinia by Rolando Larcher
On 6 May Rolando Larcher carried out the first free ascent of Mezzogiorno di fuoco (270m, 8b max, 7c obligatory) on Punta Giradili, Sardinia. The route had been established by Larcher together with Maurizio Oviglia and Roberto Vigiani in 2006.
La Zébrée 8b+ trad redpointed by Jean-Pierre Ouellet
24/05/2007 - Climbing
La Zébrée 8b+ trad redpointed by Jean-Pierre Ouellet
On May 12 Jean-Pierre Ouellet redpointed La Zébrée 8b+ at Mont-King, Canada, placing all the gear except the first piece on lead.
Kammerlander and Unterkircher summit Jasemba (7350m) Nepal
24/05/2007 - Alpinism
Kammerlander and Unterkircher summit Jasemba (7350m) Nepal
At 15.00 on 22/05 Hans Kammerlander and Karl Unterkircher made the first ascent of the south Face of Jasemba (7350m, Nepal).
Nives Meroi interview from Everest ABC
22/05/2007 - Alpinism
Nives Meroi interview from Everest ABC
Interview with Nives Meroi from Everest Advanced Base Camp after having reached the summit of her tenth 8000m peak.
Anthamatten and Berthod in Patagonia sweepstake
17/05/2007 - Alpinism
Anthamatten and Berthod in Patagonia sweepstake
In February 2007 Cyrille Berthod and Simon Anthamatten travelled to Patagonia for their first time ever and climbed 8 major peaks in the Fitz Roy massif - De L’S, Saint Exupery, St.Raphael, Poincenot, Fitz Roy, Mermoz, Guillaumet and Cerro Torre.
Miracle Melloblocco
07/05/2007 - Climbing
Miracle Melloblocco
Melloblocco continues to be a great success. On Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 May more than 1000 boulderers gathered in Val di Mello for the 4th edition of the Melloblocco, the international bouldering meet organised by the Val Masino town...
Christophe Profit 10 times the Eiger North Face as mountain guide
16/04/2007 - Alpinism
Christophe Profit 10 times the Eiger North Face as mountain guide
On 09/04/07 Christophe Profit, one of the most important mountaineers of all times, climbed the North Face of the Eiger for the tenth time with a client.
Iceland ice climbing expedition report
28/03/2007 - Alpinism
Iceland ice climbing expedition report
At the end of February Albert Leichtfried, Markus Bendler, Ines Papert and Audrey Gariepy travelled to Iceland to explore its potential in memory of their friend Harald Berger who died tragically in December 2006.
David Lama and Juliette Danion  European Bouldering Champions 2007
20/03/2007 - Competitions
David Lama and Juliette Danion European Bouldering Champions 2007
David Lama from Austria and Juliette Danion from France have won the European Bouldering Championship 2007, held in Birmingham (UK) last weekend. This is Lama's second big title: in 2006 he was crowned European Difficulty Champion.
Melloblocco 2007 facts and figures
08/03/2007 - Climbing
Melloblocco 2007 facts and figures
On Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of May 2007, Val di Mello will host the fourth edition of Melloblocco, the international outdoors bouldering meeting in Northern Italy
'Osa, ma non troppo', Cerro Cota 2000 (Paine, Patagonia)
21/02/2007 - Alpinism
'Osa, ma non troppo', Cerro Cota 2000 (Paine, Patagonia)
From 21 - 26 January 2007 the Italians Elio Orlandi, Michele Cagol, Fabio Leoni and Rolando Larcher made the first ascent of "Osa ma non troppo", a 700m line up the E Face of Cerro Cota 2000 (Torres del Paine,...
Dave MacLeod repeats Odi Social 8c+
20/02/2007 - Climbing
Dave MacLeod repeats Odi Social 8c+
Dave MacLeod has climbed his first 8c+, "L’odi Social" at Siurana, Spain to discover how this compares to cutting edge trad routes in Britain, such as his Rhapsody E11 7a.
Piolet d'or 2006 awarded to Prezelj and Lorencic for Chomo Lhari
29/01/2007 - Alpinism
Piolet d'or 2006 awarded to Prezelj and Lorencic for Chomo Lhari
On 26 January 2007 Marko Prezelj and Boris Lorencic from Slovenia were awarded the "Golden ice axe" for their new route on Chomo Lhari. Pavle Kozjek was awarded the Spectators Choice for his new route climbed solo up Cho Oyu....
Ice Master World Cup Daone
10/01/2007 - Competitions
Ice Master World Cup Daone
From Friday 19 January to Sunday 21 January the most famous international ice climbing competition in the world, the Ice Master World Cup, will take place in Italy's Valle di Daone.

Expo / News

Expo / Products
Y-shaped via ferrata set made with 20 mm elastic webbing and Tango double gate safety connectors.
Light climbing helmet with kevlar reinforcements.
AMELIA GTX are women's mountain boots designed for trekking, hiking and backpacking.
Lightweight, adjustable and packable SCOTT Explorair Light Windbreaker jacket.
High-end one-buckle climbing harness combining comfort and light weight.
SCARPA Arpia, comfortable and versatile climbing shoes.
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