A help for Evgeny Kryvosheytsev in Ukraine

For the last two months we are witnessing the horrors of a war in the center of Europe. Some of us, with rage and horror, but as outsiders; others, more involved given relatives or close friends in Ukraine. During the years of my involvement with ice climbing competitions, I got to know and befriend a wonderful person. Not just an outstanding rock and ice climber right at the top during the last 20+ years, but also an exceptional human being: Evgeny Kryvosheytsev of (now) embatteled Odessa, in Ukraine.
His wife and under-age daughter sought refuge with acquaintances abroad. He and their son remained to defend their land. We know how desperate the situation is from Evgeny’s postings. Sending back tearful e-mojies is almost a heartless minimum. I dare calling it, almost disrespectful to the sufferings of the sufferers. We can do more.
Some weeks ago I initiated privately a funds collection campaign for Evgeny’s family and was joined by two other exceptional human beings, both mountain guides: Anna Torretta of Courmayeur and Stéphanie Maureau of Chamonix. They came up with the excellent idea to create a crowdfunding to benefit the Kryvosheytsevs.
Sites take too high a percentage, and we would like to provide as much financial help as possibile. The best way to help Krivo and his family right now is to make a donation via PayPal to this address: evgenykryvoshetsev@gmail.com. Before the war he ran a sports shop in Odessa, now he’s managing aid distribution.
It goes without saying that the situation in Ukraine is dramatic.
Michael Pupeza, Anna Torretta, Stéphanie Maureau