Climbing World Cup live streaming remains free of charge

In its short press release the International Federation of Sport Climbing admitted that the agreement announced last week with Flosports for payment based viewing was an error, for which it apologises.
This is undeniably an overwhelming victory for the thousands of climbers who protested vehemently against the deal announced last week by the IFSC to render live streaming of sport climbing competitions subscription based.
IFSC Official Statement 12/04/2017
It was made a mistake and we apologize for that.
The live streaming for IFSC will remain free of charge, the same as it was at the 1st World Cup in Meiringen, Switzerland and in previous years.
The deal - despite having been announced - has not been signed and thus has not been concluded.
Any possible future variation of this policy will be discussed inside the IFSC and subject to the approval of our key stakeholders.
Let's keep climbing together.