Jakob Schubert uncut: Furia de Jabali & Last Night at Siurana, Spain

Watch Jakob Schubert's uncut ascents of 'Furia de Jabali' (9a+) and 'Last Night' 9a at Siurana, Spain.
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Jakob Schubert climbing at Siurana in Spain
Esteban Lahoz

Watch Jakob Schubert's uncut ascents of Furia de Jabali (9a+) and Last Night (9a) at Siurana, Spain. The Austrian sent these routes on a hugely impressive trip in December 2021 which also netted him King Capella (9b) and La Capella (9a+) in a single day, and also a cutting-edge flash of Jungle Speed ​​(8c+/9a).

TOPO: The crag Siurana, Spain

Links: FB Jakob Schubert Instagram Jakob Schubert, La Sportiva, Mammut

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