'Climbing has a RED-S problem', Eugen Burtscher & Volker Schöffl resign from IFSC Medical Commission

Two of the most reputable doctors in their field, Austria's Dr Eugen Burtscher and Germany's Volker Schöffl, have both resigned from the the IFSC Medical Commission citing "non-action of the IFSC concerning the RED-S problems of our athletes." RED-S, or Relative energy deficiency in sport, is the result of insufficient caloric intake and/or excessive energy expenditure and can have a profound and lasting impact on the health of athletes, regardless of their sex.
Burtscher was MedCom president until last week and Schöffl a member of the voluntary board. Their team has worked tirelessly for the last two decades at developing ways of detecting, evaluating and helping athletes who have developed RED-S or are at risk of developing RED-S, yet despite having "the most profound data on this matter of all sport disciplines", they feel their governing body has taken no concrete action to safeguard the health of its athltese.
Writing on his social media account earlier today, Schöffel explained "... the only acknowledgement we have received has consisted of defamation and discouragement. In short, the IFSC may not be willing at all to undertake further action regarding this important health issue of its athletes and is acitvely delaying and slowing down any decisions that could lead to much needed action. As medical doctors we cannot accept this any longer."
In thanking his former colleagues, Schöffl stated "For the wellbeeing of our athletes and the development of this sport, I cannot take any responsibility on this matter and am forced to resign."
Planetmountain will endeavour to find out more in due course.