Awesome Adrspach linkup by Michał Czech, Paweł Zieliński

Adrspach, together with neighbouring Teplice, is one of the most challenging rock climbing areas I have ever visited. Thousands of towers with perfect cracks and strong ethics makes climbing difficult and hard to protect. Being based in Kraków, I've climbed here from time to time, but I never thought about linking many routes in a day. It was simply just too hard.
But I'm a big fan of some crazy projects, I've done several linkups in the Tatra mountains and on the rocks around my hometown, so when Paweł invited me to join him on a project like this one, I did not hesitate. He knows the area very well, so I could trust him completely, also when it comes to the planing and logistics.
We started climbing early at 6:45 in the morning and finished at 23:20. We free climbed all the routes, except one section which is impossible to free climb (normally climbed with human ladder). In accordance to local tradition we did not use chalk, but we did use the slightly more 'modern' protection called UFO. This is not used by some of the more traditional climbers, but it makes the climbing a bit more safe here.
Climbing here feels a bit like mountaineering: when you reach the top of the tower it feels like climbing a mountain, although it's sometimes only 50 meters high. Our initial idea was to climb 20 towers with 20 different routes, but this turned out to be a bit too hard for us. The day was too short and we just felt too tired to continue. The towers we chose were not the easiest ones, as we wanted to climb the most classic, well-known and beautiful routes in the area. And the last tower we climbed was historically important, since it was the first tower to be climbed here, back in 1923.
The list of routes with tower names:
Udolni, Amor, VIIa
Polická, Hrad, VIIa
Stara Cesta, Gilotina - Malá věž, VIIa
Dlouhý kout, Milenci, VIIc
Slunovrat, Starosta, VIIc
Ukřižování, Radnice, VIIIa
Věslavův odkaz, Starostová, VIIa
Údolní hrana - Dolní varianta, Štěpánská koruna, VIIb
Tréninková spára, Krakonošovo sedátko, VIIb
Východní spára, Dědek, VIIb
Janebova, Džbán, VIIa
Stará cesta, Vinnetou, VIIa
Žlutá spára, Mravenčí hora, VIIc
Údolní spára, Tři obři, VIIb
Stara cesta, Kral, V