Angelo Mio, new rock climb in Val Gadena

Alessio Roverato provides the report and topo of Angelo Mio (250m, 7a +, 6c obl), a new rock climb he established together with Angela Carrar on Monte Spitz in Val Gadena (Valsugana VI).
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Alessio Roverato and Angela Carraro climbing Angelo Mio (Monte Spitz - Valgadena)
Matteo Mocellin / Storyteller Labs

There’s little I haven’t already said about yet another new route of mine in Val Gadena. The fact of the matter is that I simply enjoy go back there again and again. It’s distant from so many things I find hard to deal with, and it’s the right compromise between establishing a new route and not being absolutely wasted in the office on Monday morning. It’s the right balance that allows me to have fun and, at the same time, enables me to do things at home that I can’t do during the week. It’s that silence that fills me within, more than anything else, it’s abut experiencing a sort of parallel world, completely different from what I have to do for five endless days a week. This place has given me the opportunity to trace lines up almost virgin walls; a great fortune in this day and age.

Unfortunately Valsugana, despite having countless rock faces, has very few with are of interesting from the climbing point of view. Which means you have to look extremely carefully to discover a new route that ascendes where the rock and vegetation allow it to. Unfortunately since these are low-lying faces the flora and fauna reign supreme, and we cannot do other than accept it.

For those who are curious enough to tackle one of the routes Angela and I have established, I recommend you do so armed with a mountaineering spirit. These places aren’t domesticated and probably never will be: as it happens, this is what renders them beautiful and fascinating and which, usually, isn’t interpreted as such. I've already said too much, I won’t bore you with the usual stuff. In the end what counts are the emotions that remain.

Alessio Roverato

TOPO: Angelo Mio, Val Gadena, Valsugana

Alessio Roverato thanks S.C.A.R.P.A., Climbing Technology and Montura

Other routes by Alessio Roverato in Valgadena:
- Cara
- La gioia nel silenzio
- Giallomania

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