Anak Verhoven sends Planta de Shiva (9b) at Villanueva del Rosario in Spain

In October 2023 we wrote that Anak Verhoeven was, almost timidly, becoming one of the strongest climbers in the world. She had just sent a 9a at Rodellar twice in less than 24 hours, once during the day and then at night, and in the past she had already climbed several 9a+. We concluded our report by stating the obvious: "that potentially there is much, much more in store."
6 months down the line, this potential has now been tapped with her repeat of La Planta de Shiva at Villanueva del Rosario in Spain. This huge stamina test was freed by Adam Ondra in 2011 and it is on this route that in 2017 Austria's Angela Eiter became the first woman in the world to climb 9b. Laura Rogora and Julia Chanourdie followed suit in 2020, then in 2021 Rogora climbed Erebor which after the initial grade of 9b/+ now stands at 9b. Yesterday the 27-year-old Belgian became part of the very small circle of climbers capable of sending 9b, which stands as the current female maximum.
Link:, Petzl, La Sportiva
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