Watch Nadir Maguet set FKT on Piz Bernina, Ortler, Grossglockner

This summer Nadir Maguet raced up three symbolic mountains of the Alps, namely Grossglockner, Piz Bernina and Ortler. On each peak he set not an "official" record, but what is referred to as the Fastest Known Time, abbreviated to FKT. In short: the ascent time that the mountaineer declares.
His flight along the magical Biancograt on Piz Bernina took a mere 2:44:13, the complex Ortler Hintergrat (3905m) went down in 1:43:12, while the exposed southwest ridge - the Stüdlgrat - on Grossglockner (3798m) was dispatched with in 1:30:23. Astounding times indeed.
Even more interesting than these times though is the fact that these ascents represent an important evolution of the 28-year-old from Valle d'Aosta. His focus, evidently, is shifting increasingly away from regulated ski mountaineering and skyrunning comps to the uncontrolled realms of the wild mountains.