'Ultima Ronda' climbed on Cerro Trono Blanco (Torres del Paine, Patagonia) by Sebastian Pelletti, Hernan Rodriguez

Taking advantage of the short weather window in the Torres del Paine massif in Patagonia, on the 6th of December Australia's Sebastian Pelletti and Chile's Hernan Rodriguez completed a new route on the previously unclimbed south face of Cerro Trono Blanco. Called Ultima Ronda, this 700m mixed climb breaches difficulties up to AI3 M4 and has been described as a "a fun alpine moderate..."
Writing briefly to planetmountain.com Pelletti, who works as a mountain guide in the park, explained "We were in the French valley and although freezing levels were low, being December there wasn't much ice left in condition. We decided therefore to use a final half day of good weather to check out the south faces at the back of valley. Trono Blanco is dead center at the head of the valley, so the views from the cumbre are really unique, a cool spot for sure. The route itself isn’t super technical, just a fun alpine romp. The snice was in unreal conditions, and the mixed and ice sections are basically choose your own adventure. There's a bunch of options to mix in some punchy moves in between simul blocks." The pair, who thank Rolando Garibotti for the weather forecast, descended by downclimbing and making 3 abseils just as the winds picked up.
In February 2024 Pelletti and Rodriguez established Arma de doble filo (5.11+, A1, 800m) on the East face of La Espada above the Bader Valley in the same massif, while in early 2022 Pelletti with other climbing partners established Cuarzo Menguante on the east face of La Hoja and carried out the coveted first ascent of Cuerno Este.