Gordon McArthur vs Storm Giant, world's first proposed D16 drytooling climb

A few days ago we reported about Angelika Rainer who, with her repeat of A Line Above the Sky at Tomorrows World in the Dolomites, equalled the maximum difficulty ever climbed by her male counterparts. In truth there is one route that gets an even higher grade but, having been freed only last August, its difficulties still need confirming: Storm Giant at the Fernie cave in British Columbia, Canada.
This ultra-overhanging 80 meter outing was freed by Canada’s Gordon McArthur who suggested D16, a grade of hitherto unheard of difficulties that obviously awaits comfirmation. After two years of efforts McArthur freed the line in summer - on 17 August 2017 to be precise - and it will be interesting to see ifin the future the route will also be climbed in its winter garb, past the thrilling ice curtain finale.
Link: FB Gordon McArthur, Louder Than 11, Petzl