Desert Ice, Zion ice climbing film online

The entire short film Desert Ice is now online. Directed by Keith Ladzinski of 3 Strings Productions, this documents Scott Adamson and Jesse Huey ice climbing in Zion National Park, USA.
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Jesse Huey leading the Zicicle WI5, Zion National Park, USA
Keith Ladzinski, 3 Strings Productions
We mentioned in last May when the trailer was released, now the full-length version of Desert Ice is online. As the title suggests, this award-winning film directed by Keith Ladzinski for 3 Strings Productions follows American climbers Scott Adamson and Jesse Huey searching for ice in the depths of the desert. The two strike gold in the splendid Zion National Park and what initially seems like an insane idea is considered by many as one of the most important recent ice climbing discoveries in North America.

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AMELIA GTX are women's mountain boots designed for trekking, hiking and backpacking.
Travel and leisure shoes
Lightweight ice climbing axes designed for glacier travel, alpinism and ski mountaineering.
Light and ergonomic single-buckle climbing harness, developed for high-level sport climbing and competitions.
The new Origin VS allows you to climb comfortably in the gym.
Minimalist, lightweight jacket
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