Cerro Piergiorgio: Brenna and Barmasse summit

At 2.00am local time on 08/02/08 Cristian Brenna and Hervé Barmasse reached the summit ofl Cerro Piergiorgio (Patagonia) via a direct line up the NW Face.
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Cristian Brenna
arch. Ragni Lecco
News just in: Cristian Brenna and Hervé Barmasse have reached the summit of Cerro Piergiorgio. In doing so they have completed a line up the NW Face of the immense Patagonian wall which fuelled the dreams of generations of mountaineers from Lecco and further a field.

The successful summit is the realisation of a dream inspired by the world famous Ragni di Lecco mountaineer Casimiro Ferrari. For Brenna and Barmasse this is a great achievement and in many respects their success is shared with Giovanni Ongaro who just a few days ago was badly injured by falling ice during a summit attempt.

News of the ascent was given by Mario Conti who upon reaching Base Camp after having accompanied Giovanni Onagro discovered that Brenna and Barmasse were already high on the wall making the most of the weather window.

Full details to follow when all three return to Valle del Rio Elettrico.
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