Campanile di Val Montanaia historic bell rings again across Dolomites

In mid-July the Pordenone section of the Italian Mountaineering Club (CAI) replaced the bronze bell on the summit of Campanile of Val Montanaia, one of the most representative symbols of the Italian Dolomites. Originally placed on the summit in 1926, the bell engraved with the latin words "Audentis resonant per me loca muta triumpho" was damaged by lightning in 2019 and replaced in summer after a crowdfunding campaign.
On Saturday 18 July the organisers met at Rifugio Pordenone to express their thanks. The celebrations were low-key due to particular COVID crisis but nevertheless pleasant for the group which shared the celebration with donors, some of whom travelled from outside the region, and with many friends.
On Sunday 19 July three groups of instructors from the Val Montanaia mountaineering school, members of the Pordenone mountain rescue squad, and the Section President set off at at dawn to position the new bell.
"The bell can be heard across the valley once again" explained the CAI of Pordenone "but with a new note, no longer an F but a beautiful D flat."