Bhagirathi IV West Face climbed by Matteo Della Bordella, Luca Schiera, Matteo De Zaiacomo

The last update was on 14 August, 36 days ago. And now there’s the news, announced for the time being only via Instagram: Matteo Della Bordella, Luca Schiera and Matteo De Zaiacomo have completed the coveted first ascent of the difficult west face of Bhagirathi IV. The huge granite giant in India’s Garwhal Himalaya had already been attempted by the three Italian Ragni di Lecco mountaineers in 2015, but at the time the trio were forced to turn back 200 meters shy of the sumit.
At present there are no details about the ascent and we intend to find out more in due course. At present can confirm that the climbers reached the summit at 11 pm, that they descended safely to base camp and that this mountain - the main objective of the expedition - proved to be a great adventure. As one says in Italian, Bravi! Well done lads!
ps: according to the latest info, it appears Matteo Della Bordella is on his way back home while Luca Schiera and Matteo De Zaiacomo have moved on towards Shivling...
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