Antarctica success for American exploratory expedition

While waiting for more details to sicker through, it’s worth noting that the "dream team" American Antarctic expedition comprised of Alex Honnold, Cedar Wright, Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, Savannah Cummins, Anna Pfaff and cameraman Pablo Duran has come to successful end.
The alpinists had travelled to the FenrisKjefeten mountain range, more commonly referred to as Wolf’s Jaw instead of the original Norwegian name given by the early explorers, in order to climb the peaks around the famous Ulvetanna tower.
The big news is that the NW Face of this complicated granite cathedral has been breached by "veterans" Anker and Chin who established a big wall during an ascent described as "epic". The mountain is taller than El Capitan and located just over a thousand miles from the South Pole.
The expedition managed to climb 13 summits and establish 7 new routes, one of which, as previously reported, up a spire called The Penguin by the first ascentionists Honnold, Wright, Cummins and Pfaff. This is featured in the spectacular clip below.
Instagram: Alex Honnold, Cedar Wright, Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, Savannah Cumins, Anna Pfaff, Pablo Durana