C.A.M.P. presents its programme of Social and Environmental Responsibility

Responsible Evolution: presents its programme of Social and Environmental Responsibility.
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C.A.M.P. presents its programme of Social and Environmental Responsability

A 130 year-long history, with a presence in 80 countries around the world, protagonist of a new, successful rebranding and a member of the one thousand "2023 Italian Champions Enterprises", C.A.M.P. has recently started the development of its programme of social and environmental responsibilities.

"We called it "Responsible Evolution", recalling the claim "Evolutionary" that we have introduced with our rebranding. Adopting an ESG Agenda is for us a new challenge more in its form than in its essence – explains the president Eddy Codega -. Since 1889, C.A.M.P. has been working in a true mountain area, far from the bigger means of communication and so, theoretically, not the ideal place to do business. Our ESG programme (Environmental, Social and Governance) thus finds its place in a vision rooted back in time and it fully integrates with it. We will keep on doing what we have done so far, while we will improve it: the real novelty is that we will operate in a structured fashion, with the commitment and the pleasure of managing, sharing and communicating our approach to these matters in an organic manner".

"Responsible Evolution - Living up to our planet’s needs". This means that the evolution of our business – in terms of products, market, governance – will walk hand in hand with the corporate social responsibility. Nature gave us the pictogram of our logo: not only does it embodies verticality, but its five strips represent also the equivalent pillars of our ESG strategic plan. Governance, people, community, environment and products: this is where C.A.M.P. will focus on and where it will invest its resources.

GOVERNANCE: our choices for responsible progress. We want to look after the environment and the people, integrating environmental and social criteria into our business model. For this reason it is crucial to have a short, medium and long-term strategy that can lead us towards the goals that we have set: to join forces by adhering to ESG initiatives and projects at international levels and in the market sectors we operate into; to focus on the transparency and the traceability of our supply chain, to share publicly our impact by publishing a sustainability report.

PEOPLE: the drivers of our evolution. People are the ones who open new routes, the actors who deserve our utmost attention. We have always believed in this and will continue to do so in the future. For four generations our ethics have not changed, and we will keep on moving in this direction, promoting an inclusive and responsible company culture, the development of shared wellbeing and the improvement of teamwork through constant training and proposals for professional growth.

COMMUNITY: the roots of our development. It is a special bond, that starts from being born and raised in this very place and that comes full circle when we return what we are gifted through our support to local association and not-for-profit organisations. We will continue to put synergies in place by involving the local stakeholders in our ESG path. What’s more, creating and sharing values, supporting not-for-profit organization towards their goals. Our attention goes to the community of Premana, where C.A.M.P. was born and where it will stay, but also to other communities beyond our local context. And it also goes to all people involved in the outdoor world and in the industrial safety market.

ENVIRONMENT: the source of inspiration of our actions. We aim to be like the best mountaineers: to reach the top and return, while leaving no traces behind, thus offering those who will follow the opportunity to experience the same adventure. Aside of the example, C.A.M.P. will measure its environmental impact to determine its reduction, also through the use of renewable energies. The new facilities in Valmadrera, which do not rely on natural gas and which obtain their own energy from solar panels, represent a step in this direction.

PRODUCT: the embodiment of our values. The product is our goal, what we strive for, every day. Our current aim is to maintain quality, safety and economic sustainability through alternative solutions, from raw materials to packaging. We will map the environmental impact of our products, by analysing their lifecycle from raw materials to disposal. And we will work to reduce this impact, by integrating the principles of environmental design and circular economy into the ongoing R&D process.

Info: www.camp.it

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Passion, work and simplicity are some key-words that have always distinguished the way of doing of C.A.M.P.

The passion is the one for the mountain and for the products that help everyone that go out there to accomplish their dreams and projects; the work is the one handed on for more than 115 years by four different generations that succeeded to the helm of the company, and the simplicity that marks a way of doing and collaborating based on seriousness and fairness.

Expo / Products
Mountaineering ice axe ideal for light and fast technical climbing.
Lightweight and comfortable harness designed for rock climbing at every level.
C.A.M.P. Spark Nova is a lightweight and supportive rock climbing harness designed specifically for women.
Via ferrata lanyard featuring a lightweight and compact stitched shock absorber
The Zenith is a mountaineering axe that uniquely combines lightweight design with technical features for top-level performance.
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