C.A.M.P. announces its rebranding, adopts a new logo to light up its future

Thanks to a radical, visual and substantial change, C.A.M.P. adopts a new image to light up its future.
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Thanks to a radical, visual and substantial change, C.A.M.P. adopts a new image to light up its future.
Thanks to a radical, visual and substantial change, C.A.M.P. adopts a new image to light up its future. Established in 1889, boasting a 132 year-long history, the Premana firm, a world leader in the manufacturing of technical products for safety in outdoor activities and work at height, is proud to announce and share the outcome of a thorough job – we are not merely talking about a style exercise - led by its entire staff and a group of marketing and communication experts. «The excitement of introducing the result of our hard work ensues from thinking about the path done so far», explains Eddy Codega, C.A.M.P.’s President. «This was a path of corporate insight, during which we took a hard look at ourselves, we retraced the steps of our history, we asked ourselves what really matters to us, what we want to be and what we want to do. We pinpointed the keywords that best represent us, reiterated the values we identify ourselves with and we projected them into the future. We then gathered all this work within an entirely new visual guise, making it clear with our new logo: a symbol that sums up our identity. In other words, we paved the way for a change of business perspective and we did achieve it, placing ourselves on a new road. The best, however, is yet to come: we feel like we are about to start a new climbing route, in front of the wall of our future, and we have what it takes to reach the top», points out the President, clarifying that «the difficulties and the doubts marking this past year and a half did not stop a process that had already started, whose outcome is finally in the public eye and sums up a strong identity, relying on a tradition very few can equal and, for this reason, which is capable of going past every uncertainty.


Careful evaluation brought about the decision of focusing on one brand only. This is determined by the necessity of communicating our business identity with more clarity and simplicity, enhancing the efficacy of communication and guaranteeing greater visibility, avoiding dispersals and inconsistencies. Enthusiasts and professionals alike will have a single point of reference, to live a renewed and deeper C.A.M.P. experience: a bond based on the identification with the values of the brand. «The benefits of this operation will be tangible for all our clients, with short and, especially, long-term benefits, as changes of such a scale project their validity, strength and beauty over time», carries on Eddy Codega. «This was a long and complex process, and the aim of creating a new, unambiguous and distinctive brand – made up by a pictogram, logotype and pay-off – both for alpinism and the mountain world, as well as safety at work, has been fully achieved».


The pictogram, the graphics engine of the rebranding, was a true gift of nature, having emerged from the background on which Premana and its valley stand out: this was an original element that strongly represents C.A.M.P., a familiar and daily image – the mountains at the beginning of the Valvarrone – interpreted and represented with a modern design that pays homage to history. The pictogram is an exercise in first-class graphics that immediately suggests the common denominator of the two C.A.M.P. divisions: verticality. «Verticality is the perspective we look at and we act in», explains President Codega. «Everything we plan and manufacture interacts with this dimension. Verticality is a context that teaches us to aim high, but at the same time invites one to “keep your feet on the ground”, in ideal and practical terms».


As an alternative and in harmony with the pictogram, the new logotype is linear, neat and immediately recognisable. Its clear, smooth and continuous lettering certainly conveys a feeling of movement and freshness. It also stands for the continuity that has featured throughout C.A.M.P.’s history, from the first to the fourth generation of the Codega family, blending perfectly within the rebranding process. Introducing the punctuation along the lettering is relevant news, and clearly underlines the fact that C.A.M.P. is an acronym and that behind every letter stand a word and a world waiting to be discovered: the ones of “Costruzione Articoli Montagna Premana” (Construction Articles Mountain Premana).


We chose “Evolutionary” because it tells everything about C.A.M.P. and it represents the corporate evolution of the past, along with the mood of our future, both in terms of our products, the market and our management. ‘Evolutionary” is a word full of meaning that recalls the image of a slow but unstoppable transformation, one that is steady and ongoing as the story of C.A.M.P. was and is right now. It is an international, easy to understand and self-explanatory word, and it will accompany this launch phase.


C.A.M.P. thus opens to the future with a single brand to give a unique, distinctive, and unmistakable image of itself. With a logo where the pictogram is a gift of nature and recalls the origins of the company, referring to its vertical dimension. And a clear, punctuated lettering to underline its historic dimension and its mission once again, concealed within the acronym “Costruzione Articoli Montagna Premana”. Its pay-off embraces the past, the present and especially the future. Along with two divisions, Outdoor and Work, which define the horizon within which an entity works, one that was not afraid of facing a radical change, wholeheartedly illustrated in the publication “C.A.M.P. Corporate Identity”.


Any product showing the new brand will be available from the beginning of 2022. The rebranding will not entail any technical modification of the products contained in the catalogue, both for the Outdoor and Work divisions: their characteristics remain unchanged.


«To condense the essence of C.A.M.P.’s rebranding in a few sentences proves very tasking», concludes Eddy Codega. «I therefore invite all those who want to know more about this, who want to discover the details of this entrepreneurial adventure not to hesitate and get in touch with us: we are ready to answer each and every question and to meet the demands of information professionals, with several ad-hoc instruments». Info: www.camp.it

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Passion, work and simplicity are some key-words that have always distinguished the way of doing of C.A.M.P.

The passion is the one for the mountain and for the products that help everyone that go out there to accomplish their dreams and projects; the work is the one handed on for more than 115 years by four different generations that succeeded to the helm of the company, and the simplicity that marks a way of doing and collaborating based on seriousness and fairness.

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Storm is a comfortable, lightweight climbing helmet
Mountaineering ice axe ideal for light and fast technical climbing.
The Zenith is a mountaineering axe that uniquely combines lightweight design with technical features for top-level performance.
Universal 12-point crampons for mountaineering
The C.A.M.P. Ikon Nova is a lightweight and comfortable climbing and mountaineering helmet.
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