C.A.M.P. supports the Blogger Contest 2015

C.A.M.P. means adventure, and the theme of the Blogger Contest 2015 is exactly adventure in all its aspects: so our company has chosen to support this initiative, that is organized by altitudini.it Italian website together with Le Dolomiti Bellunesi magazine.
2015.09.16-Blogger-Contest C.A.M.P. means adventure, and the theme of the Blogger Contest 2015 is exactly adventure in all its aspects: so our company has chosen to support this initiative, that is organized by altitudini.it Italian website together with Le Dolomiti Bellunesi magazine. Dozen of bloggers have participated to the prize sending their articles and pictures: in the next weeks a renowned jury will select three winners that will award technical gear and holidays in mountain shelters. Concerning CAMP products, the first placed will receive a pair of Tour Nanotech crampons, the second a Speed 2.0 helmet and the third one an Air CR harness. For more info, you can visit the official web page altitudini.it/blogger-contest-2015-allavventura-4a-edizione.

Expo / News
20/03/2025 - C.A.M.P.
C.A.M.P. Ikon and Ikon Nova climbing helmets obtain the 2025 iF Design Award
The new C.A.M.P. Ikon and Ikon Nova helmets have obtained the coveted 2025 iF Design Award.
29/01/2025 - C.A.M.P.
Nicolas Favresse becomes C.A.M.P. ambassador
Nico Favresse, the undisputed protagonist of big walls around the world, is now a C.A.M.P. ambassador.
20/08/2024 - C.A.M.P.
Mountaineering on the glaciers as pioneers, searching for the great alpine summits with CAMP
Mountaineering with CAMP: no more alpenstocks, spiked shoes and uncomfortable, heavy clothes, but proper gear like the Corsa Nanotech ice axe, the Ascent crampon and the G Air Hot Dry glove
19/07/2024 - C.A.M.P.
Vie ferrate with CAMP: tamed mountains that deserve respect
Vie ferrate with CAMP: the Energy CR 4 harness, the Kinetic Gyro Rewind Pro set, and the Titan helmet.
21/06/2024 - C.A.M.P.
Climbing: check out CAMP's latest products for this trending sport
Once held as a practice for the very few, being considered an “extreme sport”, climbing is now regarded as almost fashionable, practiced by people of all ages
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Passion, work and simplicity are some key-words that have always distinguished the way of doing of C.A.M.P.

The passion is the one for the mountain and for the products that help everyone that go out there to accomplish their dreams and projects; the work is the one handed on for more than 115 years by four different generations that succeeded to the helm of the company, and the simplicity that marks a way of doing and collaborating based on seriousness and fairness.

Expo / Products
The C.A.M.P. Ikon Nova is a lightweight and comfortable climbing and mountaineering helmet.
Via ferrata lanyard featuring a lightweight and compact stitched shock absorber
The Geko Grip is a very tough glove for working with ropes in cold-weather conditions for climbing and alpinism.
The C.A.M.P. Sonic Alu W Plus is a lightweight, tough folding pole that is burly enough for most mountain adventures including trail running.
Lightweight steel 10 point crampons for classic mountaineering.
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