Laghel off-limits ad Arco

Risulta attualmente interdetta all’arrampicata la falesia di Laghel ad Arco, una delle falesie più difficili d’Italia e al mondo.
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Adam Ondra libera Queen line 9b nella falesia di Laghel ad Arco
The Vertical Eye - Matteo Pavana

Notizie preoccuparti giungono da Arco dove la falesia di Laghel è attualmente off-limits. Si tratta della falesia con le vie più difficili d’Italia ed una delle più difficili al mondo che ospita non soltanto due 9b, One Slap e Queen Line liberati da Adam Ondra e ripetuti finora soltanto da Stefano Ghisolfi, ma anche un progetto denominato King Line che potrebbe persino attestarsi attorno al 9c. 

Come spiega il "local" Ghisolfi, la falesia si trova su terreno privato e il proprietario ha deciso di interdire l’arrampicata. "Il proprietario ovviamente ha il diritto di farlo, il problema è che Laghel non è una falesia qualsiasi ma qualcosa di unico ad Arco ed in Italia" racconta il 26enne climber, aggiungendo che "cercheremo di trovare un accordo, ma per adesso per favore non andate a Laghel, speriamo tutto si risolva per il meglio."

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Attention! Very bad news... The crag Laghel, the hardest crag in Italy and possibly one of the hardest in the world (with the King Line Project, a possible 9c, and few other extreme routes), is on a private ground. We already knew it but nobody ever complained and everything was going fine, the owner used to know about the crag and used to let us climb. But last month, the owner came to the crag and "kindly" told us to stop climbing and go away from her ground, so we went immediately away. The owner has the right to do so, but the problem is that Laghel is not a usual crag but is something unique in Arco and in Italy. We are going to ask help to @gardatrentino and the city of Arco, but in the meantime it is prohibited to go climbing there (and it's a huge pity because conditions to try the King Line were prime). We will try to find a deal with the owner, but for now please don't go to Laghel and hope everything will go in the best way possible. If you have any suggestion on what we can do... everything could help, please spread the word in our climbing community, thanks!

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